Trail Is Clear

I scarcely believe it myself.

We’ve had two days of unseasonably cool temperatures, so I took advantage of them and worked like a madman. I cleared the new section to within a few meters of the old and still usable trail yesterday. I was too tired to go any farther.

Today I went around the other direction and thought I might chop a few downed trees from off the old path. I was able to work more quickly than I expected. There were four places where I had to chop through something large, where I had to first lop off a lot of smaller stuff. Somehow, I got through them all and found myself just a few meters from the end of the new trail I was cutting.

I thought, “Why not?” So I dug into the grass, shrubs and saplings. Now it’s done. There are a few places where the bulldozers and firetrucks either cut out chunks of my old trail or piled excess sand onto it, but I don’t think the shovel work will be all that extensive. So basically it’s already clear now, and usable.

And I am very tired and sore.

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One Response to Trail Is Clear

  1. markthetrigeek says:

    Rest hard my friend for later you get to hike and ride that bad boy!!!!! Well done sir.

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