If your image of reality is flavored by movies in any way, you will never understand what’s going on.
Our minds have been conditioned to expect a dramatic shift overnight, that there will be massive destruction everywhere at once. Apocalypse won’t be like that. The conditioning is intentional, though not everyone involved was in on the game. The intent was to build an unrealistic expectation, so that when the real thing comes, no one will recognize it.
The US will not end up looking like Somalia, particularly the Somalia of the military adventure movies in recent memory. We will have blood in the streets; we do already. But it will continue to come in incidents our minds have been taught to consider rare. The reports will be few, unless you get your news from alternative sources.
But there’s a problem with those alternative sources, too. Most of those folks are trying to make a living, or at least have their website paid for by advertising. Precious few are honest brokers. Worse, most of them are also infected with the same movie-minded madness.
Let’s pick this apart. The first thing we need to accept is there is no way to stop this thing. The moment of departure was long ago, and we missed it, for much the same reason most will miss the really important shifts over the next few months and years. If everyone today rose up in arms against the regime, you’d have too many of the wrong people killed and not enough of the right ones, because no one really knows who They are. I don’t. Nothing runs in a straight line, and no single human, nor any group of humans, can grasp what tomorrow will bring if we change just this one thing, or that one. The fundamental flaw is not the mechanism, but the underlying assumptions and the very language of our brains about what to expect. We don’t even see the meaning of minor events we face every day; how can we grasp the big things? Apocalypse is already here.
This is not a zero-sum game. Any fool knows if food stops coming into your community, there will be armed revolts. If the flow of food simply slows a little at a time, until certain agencies are in total control, and most of what everyone eats is still available, simply at a higher price, there will be no riots. There aren’t enough folks devoted to growing their own organic food to prevent Monsanto’s lackeys in the FDA from making home gardens pointless. They won’t simply outlaw the home gardens; expect them to make the whole business more difficult, a death by a thousand paper cuts, as it were.
There is no single crazy project which holds all the answers to our sorrows. Agenda 21, the Carbon Tax scheme, Codex Alimentarius, mandatory vaccines, etc. — some of these overlap, but some of them are actually contradictory, and it doesn’t matter. The zeal of the promoters is the scam, and the zeal of the resistors is the predictable result which makes the scam work. Each of these is a real threat, but neither any single one, nor all of them together, is the real threat. They are simply the means to an end. Keeping us riled up on them will ensure we don’t pay attention to what really matters. Every crazy announcement which “leaks” out, like the federal highway tax-per-mile scheme, is just a test. It’s not a matter of whether it will be done, but how and when — and more importantly, how it will keep us tied up in knots while something else slips by unnoticed.
What’s really going on is the cultural conditioning in the background. Does it not occur to anyone the very use of videos as a means of communication is a fundamental element of this whole thing? When I see a thousand idiots and their earnest pleas for attention to some dire problem posting on YouTube or Vimeo, I wonder whatever happened to the intellectual depth it takes to write the same message in just a few paragraphs. I wonder whatever happened to the intellectual depth it takes to read and understand those paragraphs. Folks, the medium is the message; it is the means to control. Just my saying that guarantees a large number of folks will turn away from any message I might offer.
This is part and parcel to my contention we have surrendered the entire battlefield when we insist on Aristotelian logic. The entire ground of Western Civilization is the victory of evil. Freedom is not simply getting some government hack off our backs, nor keeping the international bankers from mortgaging every square inch of American soil, nor even the ability to grow your own organic food and homeschool your kids. If your homeschooling curriculum consists of Classical Western themes and topics, you are a slave before you start.
It’s bad enough American Christians have so deeply absorbed a pitiful nationalism to the point they are willing to promote Satanic methods to win whatever it is they think matters in human politics. Even as they mouth the words, “You can’t defeat Satan by using his weapons,” they are arming themselves with the tools of Darkness. But if you allow Satan to redefine the very nature of warfare and meet him on his battlefield of choice, any battle which follows is his game, his staged drama. You must attack his stronghold, not contest the yard in front of it. His stronghold is Western Civilization itself, the fundamental assumptions about the world. Any decent academic who doesn’t love Jesus can point out where we have departed from the intellectual assumptions of the New Testament, but we refuse to listen. We have so enslaved ourselves to this world, we don’t recognize the exit standing wide open.
That exit is the Ancient Near Eastern Mysticism by which Jesus Himself organized His own human thoughts. If you don’t know Jesus that way, you don’t know Him at all. But in a much wider sense, those of you who want to ignore the whole Jesus thing, let me warn you, too: Don’t lock your brain into a failed and falling civilization. When you acknowledge there are some things which can’t be explained in mere human intellectual terms, you are in a position to step out of the prison of your own limitations. You don’t have to embrace Jesus to take full advantage of understanding reality. Learn about intuition, and how the subconscious tosses things out for your conscious mind to notice. Realize when you buy into the grand visions of human unity, you are already chained to a lie. You have to find your own answers, and you won’t even get started as long as you swallow so much of the mass of lies, cutting yourself off from things you should explore for yourself.
Let me say it again, and invite you to explore a better way: Every truth becomes a lie when it has to pass through a video camera lens.
When something so important as truth is all prepackaged neatly, a sterile and fully digested slurry of sweet nonsense which prevents you exploring the thing itself, then you are simply buying into someone else’s private truth. There is no objective body of cosmic truth, that stands out there ready to be discovered if we just keep poking at the details of this or that observable fact. If truth does not live of itself inside you, it’s not truth. If I try to do more than simply point out where you can find it, then it won’t be truth for you. You have to do it yourself, and that means using all the means at your disposal. If you deny those means exist, you’ll never get there.