Americans Going Down Without a Fight

Government is not the only lying propaganda machine.

Anthony Weiner? Says he’s Jewish, so there’s no excuse for mispronouncing his last name. Properly it’s “wine-er” so he only has himself to blame for making it sound like “wee-ner” — which is correctly spelled “wiener”. The latter comes from the original “Vienna Sausage”. In Vienna they speak German, and the German spelling is “Wien” — pronounced “vee-in”. So a sausage in the style of that famous old city is a “vee-in-er”. In our Anglicizing reflex, we turned that into “wee-ner”. Does anybody care? No, it’s more fun and entertaining to get it wrong, and I suspect half of this is Mr. Weiner is taking one for the team. Either way, the whole thing simply proves nobody is paying attention to anything that matters, because frankly, this little story doesn’t matter. It’s worth a short paragraph on the back pages, not days of front page headlines.

What really matters is how much of the silent and impalpable killer of radiation is being covered up in Fukushima, Japan. This thing is a huge mess, and it will destroy vast swathes of life on the planet. But while you don’t see it, hear it or feel it, the result is unspeakably painful and horrifying to watch. I’ve encountered a few nuclear victims, military veterans who were abused for testing purposes. It still turns my stomach many years later. That’s coming to your door in the next year. Not only is that crap drifting in the sky, but it’s filling the Pacific Ocean. Pretty soon, the residue will be detectable in so many places, no one will be able to track it. Remember: There is no safe dosage level. It’s always damaging.

What also matters is the hateful control the Army Corp of Engineers exercises over private land in the US, particularly the Mississippi Valley. Every action they’ve taken over the years only looks like a good idea. Because of moderate weather swings, it seems to have worked, so far. This year, it all fell apart. No, their engineering actually made things worse. The losses will be greater, and the level of destruction will wipe away every bit of apparent good they claimed to have done. Meanwhile, the very predictable results of pollutants and other nastiness washing into the valley from the flooding, the horrific consequences only adding to the destruction from the petroleum disaster in the Gulf, and the coming matching horror as the Rockies thaw and flood the Western States this month — it just blows the mind. We can’t imagine how vast is the mess, and the government is lying about it.

On the other hand, an awful lot of folks won’t live long enough to face it. We do have natural disasters rising in frequency, significance, and in more places in the US. You can’t do much about them, but we do next to nothing after them. State and federal governments were warned this was coming, but instead of laying on plans to deal with it properly and humanely, they used it as an excuse to prepare more hateful measures of repression. If disaster strikes in your area, flee government help. When FEMA and friends show up, the only result from their services is more misery than you had from the disaster itself. Time and time again, these emergency response folks have shown a singular talent for doing everything as wrong as possible. It would be hard for them to do worse. If they came firing machine guns, you would have a better chance of escaping unscathed. It’s not mere incompetence; these folks are doing exactly as their training and planning require. What’s required is so hateful, I can’t imagine no one notices. They lie about being helpful. Again, if you face any disaster, be very wary of help from anyone who receives a government paycheck, because the government gives with one hand and confiscates a truck load in exchange.

So when the US governing class finally pull off an agreement with the global governing class to disarm Americans, it will garner a lot of noise, but I am betting the vast majority will hand ’em over. Even the darkest muttering from the Patriot Underground is just noise. They are too decent, which is why they support gun ownership for self-defense in the first place. They are lying to themselves when they threaten armed resistance to gun grabbing, and that lie will hurt a lot of people, because the people who should be shot will get away with it. But that basic decency is what the psychopaths count on, and all but a tiny few of the most fanatical, the equally psychopathic, will comply. There won’t be too many violent outbursts, because we as a nation are too stupid to fight back.

And on top of all this, our national moral failures are going to ripple out across the globe, and few humans on this planet will escape the added sorrows from our gross sin. Don’t visit America, unless you are coming to help family evacuate ASAP. We have raised enough Hell with everyone else, it is finally coming home to roost, and America is quickly becoming Hell on Earth. Leave if you can; stay away if you aren’t here already.

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