If you were to search the alternative press and talk to folks who have been there, or are there now, you’ll realize just how vast the lies are.
For example, when you read of terrorist attacks on, say, an Israeli bus, it’s actually a military target. You see, almost every bus in that little country is loaded with soldiers on subsidized duty travel. That’s rather like a lot of European countries do with their trains and buses. The military issues an ID which gets them free travel to work or for any duty purpose. Except in Israel, the average random passenger is more likely a soldier than a civilian, because most of the bus lines were created to support military use. Civilians are permitted to ride, of course. Most of the buses shot up or blown up are at least half filled with troops, and many of the dead and injured were in uniform. Sounds like using civilians as shields, no?
At least once or twice I mentioned the whole mainstream narrative about Libya was 100% lies. We do have “boots on the ground” pretending to be reporters and other civilians with excuses to be in a war zone. Every poll shows the majority of the US citizenry want this action stopped. Gaddafi was better to his countrymen than our government is with us, whatever his flaws. A greater share of the economy went to the common people than what does here in the US. Images of rebels in Gaddafi’s palace? He abandoned it several months ago because NATO kept targeting it for bombs. A slender corridor into the city was blown open by massive bombing for this big photo op. Independent reporters on the scene keep contradicting the MSM about how much of the city the rebels control.
Syria is far more complex than anyone wants to admit. CIA and allied clandestine agencies have been placing snipers in every action zone, shooting people on both sides of the conflict. Most of the protests are in cities dominated by Assad’s enemies, rival clans and tribes, etc. The CIA arms them, too. These could have been easily stirred up any time since the current government rose to power. These political opponents talk about wanting more freedom, but what they really want is a simple change or regime. In case anyone is wondering, these are harsh Islamic regimes they are proposing, compared to the relatively mild and secularist government currently in place. It would be rather like arming and giving lots of money to all the KKK and White Power groups here in the US and encouraging them to rampage for “liberty.”
It’s the same every place Washington DC touches. If the people in power aren’t our clients, it matters not a whit whatever else is going on, our government will try to create a revolution. Then we’ll send plane loads of money and weapons to whatever filthy slime ball is willing to do our dirty work. Everything else is just window dressing. Then our government will lie, but most boldly lie to our citizens, about what’s happening.
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