Paradoxical Choices Soon

The primary purpose of a mystic is to bridge between this plane of existence and some other. The inescapable imperative of a mystic is helping others find their own bridge. If nothing else, your actions declare the existence of that other world.
All my rantings about God’s Laws reflect that truth. We weren’t designed for this world as it now is, and there most emphatically is something better. You cannot possibly understand that something better without digging into God’s Laws, because He revealed them as the one proper path out of here. In religious language, that’s what it means to call for repentance.
It’s one thing to assert at length all the things God requires of us as humanity at large. It’s another to realize we cannot possibly engage every part of it for the obvious reason there are large chunks of our lives not under our control. More specifically, we will not be granted the authority to change everything we see wrong. The biggest mistake you’ll make is trying to fix things that aren’t yours to fix. You can’t even fix yourself, really. A fundamental element of the Laws and repentance is committing yourself to the Laws. What most modern Western people fail to understand is the ANE assumption this was all about your commitments, not your performance. There is an unspoken assumption to the Laws you must inevitably come up short.
That’s why the Laws offer symbolic ritual means for confirming your recognition of your imperfections. The brokenness of this domain includes the brokenness of everything which belongs to it. Some part of us belongs to it. Mysticism is about recognizing there’s another part of us which does not belong here. That part which does not belong has to make amends for the part that does, until the time the lower part can be shed.
It’s really not possible to explain it with words, but there is an element in that shedding of this mortal coil which is a reward for fighting it tooth and nail to make it behave. Not in the achievement of some success in beating down the broken humanity, but in the faithful commitment and desire for victory which endures for so long as whatever time we are stuck in this form. The only thing pragmatic about this is struggling to understand how the broken part works to capitalize on its inability to win.
So we carry the fire of Heaven in broken vessels. The light leaks out through the cracks, as it were. While the Western obsession over walking the talk is wrong, it’s wise to remember how we admit our limitations before we open our mouths, so that our words indicate a healthy dose of self doubt. Our peace with human failure is our glow.
The rest of the world around us is typically even more broken. It will fight with a massive overwhelming power to snuff that fire. It has its own inherent weaknesses, which is why so many mystics live so long to keep up the glow. But we remain the biggest threat to this broken world, in that we realize it’s one big lie.
So far as I can determine, there is not a single human on this plane who is actually free in any significant sense of the word. Those most free in the flesh are most enslaved in their spirits. Indeed, those spirits are dead. We who are most free are subjected to the worst forms of human slavery, though it tends to vary across the sweep of human history. Right now, anyone paying attention can see the trend is to more thorough and more degrading slavery of the flesh.
For all my blather about God’s Laws and holding the world accountable, a critical element in our personal accountability is seldom raising our hand in violence against the broken system. That belongs to a higher power. There is no blanket prohibition for all mystics, though some are sure there is for themselves. That’s another critical point: No two of us have precisely the same requirements in terms of how we shine the light of truth, because we all have cracks in different places. In theory, some of us may find it imperative at one time or another to act vigorously to protect something on the fleshly level. It is surely quite rare; otherwise, we are no different from the rest of broken humanity. The light goes out if we all become activists.
It is lawful to fight the system, in theory. It is seldom wise. I remain utterly certain in my spirit the system will demand yet one more service from me before this body expires. It will most likely be in pursuit of goals which broadly I must despise. At the same time, the service itself will be imperative for the sake of the higher truth. If left to our feeble human logic, what I suggest here is impossible, but in the logic of God’s Laws, I must submit to this slavery in order to be free in that other sense. Call it destiny if you will, but my mission as a mystic will be incomplete without bearing my bit of flame one more time in the den of the beast I despise. Nor will it be simply some subterfuge for sabotage. I will render faithful committed service within the limits of my conscience.
Granted, my conscience in terms of what I can describe is somewhat fluid. Truth is bigger than my poor addled consciousness. Just when I’m sure I’ve figured it out, some demand comes down from the Spirit Realm which doesn’t fit into my neat little understanding of things. I don’t doubt I’ll be confronted with more of that, countless times, before my time is up. It’s not the truth which is fluid, but my understanding of it which cannot ever be perfected. The highest virtue of a slave is flexibility and adaptability, to bear an indomitable spirit. If the God Whom I serve orders me to bear the yoke of government service again, it is His prerogative.
No one who shares this mortal coil with me has the authority to tell me I’m wrong on this. They may sense in their own limited abilities some discontinuity, and most certainly will be obliged to tell me so. But even as I denounce the service of this beast as something which will bring forth a crop of evil, I know it is my sense of calling to be ready to go when that day arrives. I have already been told.
In my feeble grasp of all this paradoxical truth, it seems to me that day is mighty close.
If you take the time to read between the lines of MSM news and alternative news sources, you’ll likely sense an accelerating pace of drift into a global police state. It’s not possible to estimate any kind of proportion, but of a certainty, some of you, my dear readers, will face some hard choices in the near future.

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One Response to Paradoxical Choices Soon

  1. Old Jules says:

    Strong post. Jules

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