Cain Don't Know Game

As a management tool, nothing compares to Game.
Be the man. Your number one concern in life is the mission. Know what that is for you, and never deviate from the course. It’s largely the same for men and women, but when a women decides her mission isn’t her man, she needs to be a man.
A genuine Alpha Male would get away with the minor crap for which Cain is accused. From what little we know of the accusations, they arise from encounters where he forgot himself. Few men can remain Alpha all the time. The rest of us have to do what we can to obtain some of the benefits of Game. As always, I note this has nothing to do with scoring, and everything to do with sanity and keeping your mission intact.
The best way to avoid charges of sexual harassment is never think of any female coworker as a real friend. Please notice the double standard inherent in the PC social culture. A woman is free to act as randy as she likes, making all sorts of naughty jokes, but men are not. That’s because women are born with angel’s wings and every man is a rapist, or so the mythology goes. Let the women act as friendly as they like, but always maintain that barrier with any female who isn’t family or spouse. Only those who pay the price earn the right to see what is inside. If you happen to be working in the wider world outside some small family-run operation, that means no female coworker is your friend, guys.
Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, but then there rules for the exceptions. Even if you are looking to score, never do it with coworkers. Every woman who comes onto you at work is a threat, someone looking for leverage to control you. Context is everything. Tie a string around it, dudes. Make her work long and hard to get you to open up. The risk is too high if you have genuine ambitions of any sort.
Game itself teaches you to develop a standard operating procedure in all social situations, to the point it actually becomes who you are. The reason we learn about Game is because we have all the wrong instincts, all the wrong behavior patterns, and we need to break them and change how we act all the time. It teaches you to become adjustable, but teaches you to understand when you are deviating from the underlying basic rules. It teaches you to be deeply cynical about women in general. If you don’t absorb the truth about socio-sexual interactions, and how they factor into virtually every human interaction in every setting, you can’t expect to get anywhere in this world.
There are other lessons I may write about dealing with skeletons in the closet, but here the point is: Look what it costs Cain to not know Game. At some point he tried to be friends with female coworkers, and it threatens to destroy him politically and tarnish his reputation. Never mind what I think of Cain as a political candidate; learn from his mistakes. Men get into such messes by thinking they can be nice to any female coworker without putting, and keeping, the barricades in place first.
Let the women be as social as they like. You don’t have to be cold, but you place your mission on such a high priority you don’t have time for such things. Learn early to be regal and masterful. Scripture uses the phrase “put a knife to your throat” when dealing with someone who has power over you, and in our modern workplace, that’s every whiny female. Learn to evaluate personality types and learn caution. As you would not trust yourself, don’t trust anyone else. Know how females act, not what propaganda says we should expect from them.
In modern Western society, the successful man can’t afford to be warm and friendly until he is in a situation which can’t be turned against him.

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3 Responses to Cain Don't Know Game

  1. Robin says:

    It’s not just coworkers a man needs to be wary of. I nearly got into major trouble, many years ago, simply for giving a brief, friendly wave to a woman who’d been staring at me from the office across the breezeway.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      It shouldn’t be like this, but such anecdotes are the reason I counsel being rather aloof in all situations until you know the ground rules.

  2. Robin says:

    One of the greatest services your blog performs is advising Christians to cultivate and maintain a healthy cynicism towards people who haven’t proved their trustworthiness. Western civilization has become so enormously evil and deceptive over the last several decades that a virtuous man cannot afford to be optimistic* and openly good natured. Those traits will get you blindsided and run over.
    * Christian hope is not the same thing as fleshly optimism.

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