Poor Man's Economics Forecast

We are going to have more company here at the bottom of the economic food chain.
Taken as a whole, we see all the maneuvering over banking, finance and monetary policy is carefully structured to protect a certain group of insiders. That group is subdivided between the Illuminati and their hirelings. Much of what you see in the news is the activity of the hirelings, permitted to pull off all sorts of crime by virtue of calling it “not a crime” because of who is doing it and how they do it.
But the overall planning is at the level of the plutocrats. The plan is, obviously, to reduce the middle class to a tiny group of folks useful to the upper classes. People who are poor, and aren’t comfortable that way, are easier to manipulate. Those of us who know we belong down here, the much ignored educated lower classes, aren’t numerous enough to be a target for the scheming. We get to watch as all this sweeps past us, recognizing these grand schemes for what they are.
Let me clarify: It’s not the possession of stuff which makes you a fool, but when the stuff possesses you.
Think about what draws out the less wary folks who pine for more money, more consumable trash, etc. The Black Friday madness was for them, not us. What’s on TV is for them, not us. What shows up in most movies, most popular music and sporting events, most of the popular Internet portals — it’s all for the fools. These are the people who absorbed the public school conditioning designed to make everyone petty, self-absorbed, easily bored and basically an empty vessel for whatever the shapers of social consciousness wish to pour in and dump out.
As we watch the maneuvering in European banking and similar shenanigans here in the US, most folks are hardly aware of what it all signifies. The system may well collapse, but it won’t happen until everything is in the right place. That is, the plutocrats’ fortunes will be shielded and everyone else will bear the loss.
That business with MF Global? That was most likely a setup. Corzine used the investors’ accounts to absorb his corporate losses. Who took the loss? Smaller investors in commodities markets. These folks had been getting uppity and refusing to follow the script, so they were whacked by the plutocrats via Corzine (who is probably not one of them, but a servant). The protected classes suffered no significant loss because Corzine used investor accounts to pay them back. Getting all hung up on legalities and whether the SEC should have done this or that obscures what’s really happening.
Americans in general are conditioned to go along with the New World Order. In many ways, the UK is more so. The Greeks are already in revolt, and this will be contained, perhaps by crushing or simply exhausting it, or some combination of things. So it is with any national group which cannot be harnessed to the plans, commensurate with the degree of rebelliousness. At all costs, there cannot be more Iceland style reforms. That, too, will be dealt with in due time. But those who know more than I predict the actual collapse will begin in Asia, for which we get precious little news, even from the alternative sites. Everyone seems distracted by the carnival in Europe.
Meanwhile, as with the Tea Party, the OWS movement was allowed to flower only so the thinkers could be identified for future restrictions. It was more than making an example which saw police departments brutalizing the activists. What cannot be hijacked will be crushed, and you will see not a shred of shame or apology from officials, except those who need replacing as unreliable servants. This is a multi-pronged, multilevel attack on resistance. For the most part, OWS is as finished as the Tea Party.
So we should understand: The bankers’ fortunes will not fail, though the banking system will seem to fail. We will probably be told it failed, at which point it simply means the plutocrats are ready for the final confiscation of savings and so forth. Running to those local credit unions? Watch the laws change regulating them. Those who manage to serve the system will be allowed to keep some kind of job and some measure of pay which won’t purchase nearly as much as before. Many will be reduced to casual (slave) labor, and plenty will be on some form of dole vastly reduced from what it now is. Quite a few will be slaving directly for the government, and folks will be begging to enlist in the military. Those who aren’t economically useful will simply starve.
That is, those who don’t know how to get by on next to nothing. During the previous Great Depression, there was a really large portion of the population already long in poverty. Their lives changed not at all. So it will be in the coming crush, except it will require new measures our grandparents never considered. This time around the social and legal controls are far tighter, and more pervasive. If you honestly believe your cellphone is a necessity, you are in trouble. You’ll need to learn a lot about phone hacking to survive.
Same with the Internet and general computer use. The technology battle between the hackers and corporate providers who control all access will continue escalating, but the hackers are already out ahead, and will probably remain there. If in your mind the whole point is information access and communications, you aren’t likely to do anything stupid. Your greatest vulnerability on the Internet is demanding access to music, videos, games and porn. Secondary is the demand for expensive software. It’s really smart to find and learn how to use Open Source alternatives for whatever you really have to have, especially on Windows. If you really need it, learn more about it.
Your greatest asset in the coming years will be self-reliance in everything. There is no way any of us mere mortals can do this in every aspect of our existence, but stretch where you can. More than anything else, be fully aware.

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