Poor Man's Economics Forecast, Part 2

A few more issues in which we recognize the difference between the plutocrats and the rest of us.
By now I’m sure most of my readers are aware there are two completely different sets of laws for Them and for us. For example, everything you see and hear from or about the DEA is what applies to us. The plutocrats, meanwhile, continue actually running the drug trade. That is, via the CIA and other clandestine services, the sources, collection and processing of illegal drugs is protected and “taxed” as the means to controlling the governments through whose lands these drugs and drug interdiction efforts pass. The DEA and CIA work at the same time in the same countries at opposite purposes. The CIA will keep the DEA from ever being effective, except against those who don’t have a deal with the CIA.
And if you’ve been paying attention, you know the US Army recently admitted it now actually helps the heroin trade in Afghanistan: guarding the fields, guarding the shipments, even helping to move the stuff.
You can’t stop the corner dope dealers unless some plutocrat wants it to happen. Look for this to get more blatant as the economy sours further.
So it goes with the trade in child porn and child trafficking. The plutocrats get their pick of available orphans and children of their servants, while those who infringe on that privilege are hunted down like dogs. So long as you serve the plutocrats, you share in their pleasures. This stuff isn’t going anywhere, and nothing any of us do will stop the child porn trade on the Net. You’d be amazed and sickened at what goes through the encrypted government networking channels. Wikileaks would never show you the real secrets.
Look for child trafficking to get worse in the coming months. Keep your kids close to home; consider home schooling. All the more so if they happen to be cute girls, handsome boys. And do you think the Child Welfare folks aren’t in on this? The plutocrats are insatiable. Franklin, Dutroux, Asian Pedo Tours — all this merely scratches the surface.
Then continue applying the same standard to all human vices. From the very source to the end product for sale or use, what gets you and I in prison for life, or for execution, is their standard luxury. I’ve already posted often enough about the scandals covered up by the highest ranking officials in every country. The only time it hits the news is when some plutocrat servant gets out of line. You’ll never see one of Them named or pictured in the scandal sheets.
Most of us aren’t cynical enough.

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