Radical Management: Measuring Success

If you listen to the MBAs’ lies about what defines success, you’ll always be a moral failure.
My prescription is simple: If you adhere to God’s Laws — or Cosmic Moral Principles, if you prefer, it’s all the same — you’ll have as much worldly success as is proper. The world is fallen, broken, and failure is built in, if you measure by terms of material success. If you seek to fulfill human desires of the flesh, entertainment or appeal to vanity, you’ll make a fortune and blow a fortune. You’ll be a high roller. But if you seek to fulfill genuine human need, you’ll prosper, create social stability and reduce human suffering. It’s not quite the Golden Mean, but it would resemble it on the surface. You need to see beyond the surface and mere mechanics.
The proper aim is to help people not be so hung up on the mere mechanics of life. Success is setting people free from those lower inclinations, from being stuck in the materialist mode. Aim for the proper goal of raising humanity to a higher consciousness and all this other stuff will take its proper place.
Yes, it sounds like pie-in-the-sky, but the world really does work that way. Our modern Western Merchant Civilization cannot help but implode soon because the basis on which it’s built is a big lie. The core has already rotted away, and we shall soon see all the things for which we scrambled, things we thought we had gained, will slip through our hands. It wasn’t because we didn’t follow our own rules; we followed them all too well. They were the wrong rules, the wrong plans, the wrong goals. It’s all gone, now. That’s not so pie-in-the-sky, is it?
Do what’s right; make that your goal of success, and all the rest will fall into place.

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