Solving Drug Abuse

I’ve been on the front line of this issue most of my adult life, and almost no one is serious about stopping it.
For those who want credentials: I served in the US Army Military Police for several years, making big drug busts. I served as a DARE Officer and even managed the program with other DARE Officers working under me. We went into the DoD schools in Europe and taught the kids strategies which were supposed to help them say “no” to drug abuse. I ran this program at the school where the kids from several embassies attended, all sponsored by the US Embassy in Bonn, Germany. I worked as a counselor in churches were drug problems were a significant issues, watched as friends slipped into that dream world, and generally fought this beast on every level except as a medical doctor or technician. I even faced it in my own family. I studied as much as my brain could absorb the very psychological mechanics of drug abuse.
I know about drug abuse as much as any human can claim to know it. I am forced to conclude there is no serious intent to solve the problem anywhere in America.
It’s not enough to realize on one level The Powers That Be are using the entire racket as a means to collecting and using power over the masses. I have seen it on every level. Nor would I be so simplistic as complaining the drug treatment industry has kicked God out. There are plenty of religious programs which have received the official government sanction and even money. No, at every level, the system works to destroy the very effect it claims to produce.
Here’s an example. Does busting users really work? We may never know, because the biggest users never get busted. I worked as a cab driver in Oklahoma City for about a year: May 1993 to June 1994. I drove the night shift all over this county, and was well acquainted with the centers of illicit drug trade in the OKC Metro — I was an informant calling an unlisted police phone number. I watched on the news huge drug busts at addresses I passed to the police department. I can assure you the folks who get busted are those designated for such harassment, regardless of their crimes, or even lack thereof. Rather, the comfortable middle-class customers who really do put big money into the business are never busted. I ferried lots of thugs and losers to their connection, but for each of them, there were three more from the pricey suburbs.
Yes, these people used and managed it well enough to keep their place in this world. Not every addict ends up on Skid Row. That’s another of those popular official lies. But if arresting users is going to work, it will have to include those currently protected by the system as the biggest source of illicit income for dope dealers. I won’t even mention drug abuse within the medical system with bogus prescriptions and massive sales of unneeded pharmaceuticals.
I could go on at length, because the same crap went on in the military, and it surely goes on in Washington, DC. It goes on in the counseling centers, in churches, in prisons — every part of the entire system. In other words, the whole War of Drugs is a huge massive fraud.
Solving drug abuse is both simple and impossible: Make people stop caring about the sorrows of this life.

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