The Right Tribe

Most Christians today are ill-equipped to understand what’s happening in places like France.
I’ve been watching for some years the rise of right-wing nationalist groups in Europe. I won’t pretend I know the subject well, because that would require staying in Europe far longer than I did with the US Army, and having more time to explore it directly. I do my best to make sense of the news reported in both the mainstream and alternative sources. As with all things, we have to recognize the tension between each major figure and the various influences versus the overall effect we can observe as generalities. The basic rule of social studies is to create generalizations, knowing they are accurate enough, but never exactly the truth.
Let me take a moment to remind my readers I am no right-winger. That is, unless you understand I don’t stop at merely “conservative” (hoping to conserve what has been) nor even “reactionary” (trying to recover something now almost lost), but an extreme primitivist. I am more conservative than any reactionary could dream of being, because I assert the pinnacle of human society was long before Christ, far back in ancient prehistory. At the same time, I am all for maximum freedom for the individual, which I assert is a very primitive value, despite the popular mythology about such things. I propose to evaluate all things from such a perspective.
God has said mankind after the Fall can do no better than live in a tribal social structure. The original concept of “nation” is roughly equivalent to “tribe.” The resurgent urge to nationalism, versus mere patriotism (statism), reflects this ancient truth. By no means does it come off so well as it might, in most cases. It doesn’t require hating the outsider to preserve what God ordained for your people. Having a strong national identity is necessary for God’s blessings under His Laws: prosperity, stability and safety. You should expect each nation to shamelessly boast in their own traditions, while honoring that of others.
But even the pugnacious and provocative acts are correct at times. If Muslims in France whine because Bloc Identitaire serves pork soups with wine to the homeless, let them whine. By no means should anyone suppress such charity, because exclusion of outsiders is fundamental to human nature, and not a moral flaw. The right to decide what one shall do in terms of charity with their own resources is fundamental to understanding God’s Laws.
The problem is the question of moral balance which brings Muslims into France. France perverted their national pride in times past into an excuse for oppression and exploitation. They invaded and colonized nations which are now predominately Muslim, and remain rather proud of that. If your nation invades another, you cannot justify keeping that population outside your ancient borders.
On the other hand, it is entirely appropriate to hold them in their own little neighborhoods. Of all modern identities, it is Muslims who remain most tribal. We could easily justify some of the French colonizations as pay back for the original Muslim drive to conquer the world. Frankly, Muslims drew the first blood, demanding others surrender their own traditions. But the only reason they were so successful is their strong tribal identity. While Western Civilization has outstripped them in the science and technology of destruction and warfare, it’s entirely normal for Muslims to carry out a reverse colonization which takes advantage of the arrogance of claiming to have “civilized” the world.
In other words, there is no clear high moral ground. On the one hand, Muslims will continue their peaceful conquest, because they are closest of all modern societies to what God had in mind. They are adhering to the moral fabric of the universe with greater accuracy. They will win, but it will be very messy. The only proper response is to claim the same moral fabric. Since Muslims do not in truth actually acknowledge the Creator, but worship a paganized perversion which they claim is Him, they stand to lose to the first nation which actually matches their basic moral probity, enhanced by honoring God as He revealed Himself.
I don’t expect to see that happening any time soon. Meanwhile, I watch with some amusement the various threads of competing rightness, wondering who will find God’s favor this week or the next. I am utterly convinced He controls the outcome, and right now I don’t see anyone competing too well against Muslims in the long term. Depending on where this rising right-wing tribalism goes, they may score some interesting victories. It’s not just in France, as this Bloc Identitaire has reached out to all sorts of similar movements all over the world.
It would be totally unfair to paint them all as fascist, because that serves merely to excuse not paying attention. There are fascists who would love to find their place at the table, even co-opt the whole thing, but they will never again rise to dominance. Except in the US, that is. People forget fascism is simply government by and for merchant conglomerations, who exercise their power through the apparatus of the state. The state as an artificial construct becomes the focus of all attention, the mythology by which the subjects are oppressed. It’s socialism in disguise. To the degree the right-wingers are more tribal, more about people than the state, they are doing it right (pun intended).
I dare say most of the modern world has no clue how much this matters to God, even among those who claim His Name.

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One Response to The Right Tribe

  1. Durotrigan says:

    Bloc Identitaire simply wish to preserve French identity in all of its regional richness. Demographically, the French people and way of life are under threat from an unassimilable and rapidly growing population carrying a proselytising supremacist ideology: Islam. I wish every success to Bloc Identitaire in dealing with this threat, for I wish to see the French people and their attendant culture preserved.

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