Scientists, and other people who represent the cream of human intelligence and wisdom, should not be trusted any more than the psychopaths who rule in governments.
There are good reasons for this:
1. Scientists, by the very nature of their pursuit, exclude God and spiritual concerns. Sure, the better ones recognize there may be motives for choices which aren’t exactly good science, but they tend to be dismissive and pressure you to do what their particular science god demands. There is a serious error in logic here, assuming whatever it is science can discover about observable and measurable processes is somehow the most important factor in deciding. Since when does it make you insane to choose one form of death over another? The very best of behavioral science still can’t answer the most basic question of why we bother to study human behavior. If we give the answer, “to improve human life,” you still haven’t answered, “by what morality.” That there is a consensus among fools does not make their answer any better.
2. Scientists lie. They are people, and have a vested interest in something they are doing. A few admit they simply want to discover something which will make them rich and/or famous. Science is simply the path to standard human ambition. Others lie to themselves worse than anyone else, presuming they can somehow actually be objective. For all it’s high moral objectivity, in that proper scientific method is striving to disprove your own theory, most of the time they aren’t humble enough to really put it to the test. They want to be right and competent, or at least appear to be, if only to themselves. With the huge number of verifiable frauds in just the past decade in the field of academic publication and medical journals, you’d be a fool to consider science any more trustworthy than any other activity which involves humans in groups with an agenda — politics.
3. Scientists are used. They don’t have to be aware of it for it to serve the manipulator’s purpose. There is a very short list of scientists who rejected funding or support because the source of it wanted to steer things just a bit, few enough to be literally remarkable. How many scientists can pursue their work without funding? And how often is it funded by anything other than a government, or some corporate grant agency? When did money ever come without strings attached? Not in this world.
Global Warming? Pure, unadulterated political hoax, easily shot down by real science. Worse, a provable effort to hide their awareness it was all fake, even as they promoted it by all these expensive fake studies.
Peak oil? Check the actual stats; the world is awash in excess petroleum which can’t be sold fast enough. The only reason prices remain high is through propaganda about a shortage, plus pushing it all through extra handling to raise costs. Here in the US, oil from offshore platforms is shipped out into international waters, then brought back to shore as an import, which the government duly taxes as such.
Vaccines? Check the actual track record; most are a bigger threat than what they pretend to treat. The human body was not designed to process stuff injected directly into the blood stream. Ordinary sanitation measures have done more to extend life all across the world than any measure of vaccination. Given the vast commercial and political interest behind the promotion of vaccines, it’s the last thing you should be willing to consider. Your doctor is a specialized politician and vendor.
Fluoridation of public water supplies? Proven to be quite the opposite of what they claim, it is a serious threat to your teeth. The whole thing originated with some industrial magnate trying to find a way to sell a nasty waste product, so he paid some scientist with a good reputation to lie for him. This stuff is hopelessly toxic.
Food Pyramid versus Paleo “Cave Man” Diet? Both are wrong. The first problem is cultural conditioning; infants cut loose in a full range buffet typically eat less junk food and prefer stuff lightly seasoned. There’s a real scientific tests for you! If we could simply remove the industrial toxins used by food companies to pad their profits, all in absolute secrecy because they are actively hostile to our wishes, we would have no trouble finding a proper selection of food simply by following our own instincts, selecting from what’s available. People who make “bad” decisions may be simply hearing a different drummer, not burdened with your particular morals and motivations.
Finally, this whole thing is deeply and utterly perverted by one factor: The State seeks increasing control. And how hard is it to understand the State’s only interest is economics? Not the general economic interest, but the economics of those who rule. If everyone is doing the same thing, regardless of right or wrong, it’s simpler and cheaper in terms of bureaucratic costs to maintain the system of control and taxation. All this crap about your health is really an issue of costs to the bureaucracy. Every other stated or implied motive of human welfare is pure sewage, and some of them know it. If you could make all your neighbors turn off their A/C so electric rates could drop and make it cheaper to run your A/C, would you do it? Probably not, but once someone’s head is pulled inside the bureaucracy, that sense of decency disappears.
And those who manage and direct those bureaucracies would gladly watch us all drop alive into a meat grinder, would push us into it themselves, if it made them a little wealthier and more luxurious in this world. At the same time, there is some perverted pride in “accomplishment” and “greatness.” This is what kind of morality rises to top of government and corporations, and is what’s behind virtually every pronouncement of “science in your interest.”
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