The hardest thing we do is radically challenge our thinking on anything.
As a Christian Mystic, ever day I’m waking up in a fight against a pervasive system of falsehood. The entire tangible world around me is based on lies, and more especially the whole infrastructure on which life itself depends. That’s not to say the every item in the physical realm I confront is inherently evil, but the system as a whole is misleading. The things themselves are not the problem so much as how and why they came to be. I strive hourly, every moment, to raise fundamental questions against the background of what I claim to believe, and what I claim has taken over my existence.
What would we associate with the term “warrior” if we came at it from that otherworldly perspective? I’m thinking out loud here, so take it with a grain of salt.
It seems to me a fundamental item is zero aggression. There is no need to attack evil because it crumbles under the passage of truth. If there are folks who don’t see that collapse of fantasy, that’s not my problem. Yes, I have to deal with it, but they are not my mission. My mission is the truth, not the people. To apply that here below in this realm, I don’t go looking for fights. I proceed with my mission — what I simply must do — and if anything interferes, I defend. Not in the sense of ideas, though I’m always willing to offer an explanation, but in the sense of evaluating what truth in the context requires. Sometimes the strongest defense in letting folks hang themselves. At other times, I may literally have to bust some heads to keep someone vulnerable and dependent on me from getting needlessly hurt. But always it’s a matter of defending, not offending.
This presumes a divine right, as it were, to proceed with the mission. Not so much to succeed, but to proceed. The issue is not what gets done, but the demonstration of truth. I’m going at things with a will to reduce falsehood primarily by doing truth. I’m driven to use what I have to manifest that truth. I am not permitted to desist; I must do it, and it’s whatever I am capable of doing. The truth itself calls to me, beckoning me to move through this big lie with some means of passage which contradicts the lie. Often I’m simply trying to make my way and mind my own business. One of the biggest ways to reveal truth is showing the power to adapt to changes in the situation without making demands on others. Sometimes I need all the talent and human power I can muster, but whether much or little, truth itself supports and enables its own manifestation.
But the only real difference, in this case, between a warrior and a mere worker is what each is prepared to do. Soldiers may work as hard as anyone else, but the range of capability is what’s different. In our day and time, a warrior is ready for more and different kinds of challenge. Mentally and physically both, a warrior is primed for a wider range of action in response to changes. But for someone centered in the Other Realm, that means a fundamental reliance on truth as a force itself. I don’t wait for certain requirements to be supplied by other humans, because I am not under a limited contract, but an open-ended mission calling. Nor is it a matter of what gets done, but a duty to try. The only reward which matters is the realization I couldn’t have done more.
Meanwhile, I always maintain a suspicion first about whether I did give it all. Then I might have room to help someone else working with me evaluate their performance in terms of duty and commitment. People know instinctively when they should take the lead and when they need to be led. They might suffer from all sorts of conditioning which confuses that instinct, but it’s there. I’ve always been willing to let someone else lead, but I’ve seldom had trouble getting anyone else to follow. Something about the way truth works, it resolves all that silly jockeying for position. I’ve got your back; if you see a move before I do, make it. If I have to go in another direction, we’ll each be on our own. There is no compulsion to keep it together artificially.
The outcome is never in doubt, because the whole thing centers on revealing truth, and letting truth change things or not. Death itself is just a circumstance.
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