Can we press beyond the barrier to Artificial Intelligence? Can robots have souls?
Maybe. Won’t matter. Oh, I suppose it will appear important to a lot of people and it will herald a yet more inhumane world, but it won’t change anything that really matters.
A robot cannot have a spirit.
Until we get our anthropology straight, we can’t possibly do that much with AI. Humans are the only earthly creatures capable of communion with God. Man is not the Creator, and cannot duplicate God’s work here in this fallen realm, much less in any other realm. Our problem is the foul lie there is no other realm.
So while a great many advances are surely happening, and it will continue, creating an independent intelligent mind is not the final frontier. It’s the final failure. It’s ultimate idiocy in man attaching himself to Satan’s dream of usurping God’s throne. Ain’t gonna happen.
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The problem is that we still define humanity falsely by “cogito ergo sum.” It is quite likely we will eventually create machines with rational thought. But, as you say, humans are more than enfleshed thought boxes.