The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse symbolize what happens when people refuse to do things God’s way.
The first horseman is Conquest, and we have been doing that all around the world. But those who live by the sword, die by the sword. It’s not so much we have conquered, but we have allowed some plutocrats to use us for that purpose. We’ve invested untold wealth in weapons and the expense of supporting them in the field. Thus, we have been conquered ourselves long ago. You could almost call the first Politics, because the point of politics is conquest and control.
The second horseman is War itself, the mass slaughter of life. Given the US cannot justify before God a single war, not even the Revolution to be honest, we are a nation of mass murderers. We have tons of propaganda coverage for everything, but it doesn’t take much to discover the facts which make it a lie. And we love it so much. Along with this death is destruction of infrastructure, of course.
The third horseman is Famine. Destroying stuff can really disrupt the daily routine of any people, and the first thing to suffer is food production and movement. We have starved a lot of people, often with savage intent, to force them into dependency. In our case, it’s been such a vast waste of resources in military ventures, there is no hope of funding the basic necessities of life back home. We’ve wasted everything to go a bomb people who never did a thing to us except frustrate the plans of plundering plutocrats.
The fourth horseman is Death. Not merely in the sense of slaughter and famine, but in the deeper sense of utter degradation, decay, slipping into oblivion. This is where we as the warrior nation have suffered most. All that money poured into war means we can’t even keep ourselves alive. We have begged God for His curses, and here they are.
Did you know drought can destroy highways and rail lines? It can shut down power generation. I don’t link to the NY Times, but they have an article up describing the vast breakdown of infrastructure going on this summer: highways buckling in the heat, rails kinking from expansion beyond engineered stresses, runways becoming sticky fly-traps for aircraft, cooling ponds too low or too hot, and huge cracks opening up all over where the swampy clay is exposed to drying.
That’s on top of food prices soaring because the drop is killing crops. You can send the Four Horsemen, but they always ride home. Critical to Hebrew thinking is God must be revealed, and if you choose wrong, you’ll become acquainted with His wrath. The same horses could plow and transport, but we are willingly blinded for the sake of mere creature comforts. The bill has come due.
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Australia has just come out of a drought that lasted for seven years and saw food prices skyrocket, especially meat which tripled in price in a very short time. There were several summers in a row with temperatures over 45C for over a week at a time that resulted in some of the biggest bush fires that I can remember as well as the accelerated degeneration of infrastructure like railways and power lines. These problems were ultimately made worse by decades of government not maintaining that same infrastructure and then selling it off to private companies that had little interest in investing in upgrades or even maintenance. So I have to agree that to abandon your appointed role and to ignore your responsibilities will come back to bite you later on. This strikes me as a case of the Gods working in not so mysterious ways.
Quite correct, David. It shouldn’t be a mystery to anyone, gods or not.
Your Biblical ignorance shines bright in your post. God gave us the ability to distinguish right from wrong and the physical and mental ability to confront it. Where in your silly little brain can you back your radical comment that the US is a “nation of mass murderers”? And that ” not even the Revolution to be honest”. How absolutely ridiculous. You need to read your Bible and study scripture before you spew your goofy theories.
Thank you, Johnny Sawyers. Everyone has the right to be wrong, and I don’t take myself that seriously. Since your comment lacked any substance aside from ridicule, it’s pretty hard to offer any kind of answer. If all you’ve read is this one post, you’ll lack any context for actually debating much. God bless you.
Oh, and are you still serving in the Navy?