A predator will eventually get his fill and rest, but the mouth of Hell opens onto a bottomless pit. Micah warns the leadership of the entire nation was more inspired by demonic powers than any spirit of justice. The fundamental theme: Everything the leadership does is colored by corruption. Every part of the ruling class is for sale.
The ruling class had a divine imperative to understand God’s justice. Everything they did was perverted, a twisted mockery of good and justice. To them, the people they ruled were so much cattle and sheep, existing only for the feeding of those who ruled. When the day of trouble comes, and the rulers cry to God, He won’t be able to hear them for the cacophony of their sins.
The prophets were no better, and would be more useful dead. So long as their bellies were full, everything was fine with God. Fail to cater to their whims and God is angry with the whole world. In other words, their spirits were already dead, incapable of hearing from the Lord. The only god giving them any message was the god of their own appetites. So when the day comes they were desperate to hear from God, there would be only silence for a message, and darkness for insight. If they rolled the dice, they would never get the same numbers twice.
Micah was as full as they were empty. He had boldness from a commitment to God’s justice, and could speak a word from God by reflex. No need for mumbo jumbo and divination to figure out what the single greatest problem was: Israel was in open defiance of the entire Covenant. So even Jerusalem itself was built from violence, blood mixed liberally in the mortar between the stones. It required a bribe just to walk down the street.
Meanwhile, they were just so sure nothing could happen to them because they lived in the city where God’s House stood. He had found the place too foul to stay around. Because of them, the city would be a heap of ruins, with a plowed field replacing the vast pavements. God would bring invaders to tear down His own House because it was unbearable to Him.
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