Perhaps you’ll be entertained by this:
What you should take away is not so much belief in some of the wild theories out there, but the overwhelming assurance human science is so pitiful against the vast unknowns. Also, what we could know is actively hidden by those who do know, because those who have the power and wealth are determined to keep us ignorant. It’s not hard for them to do, since we have been thoroughly conditioned by the system under which we live. So thorough is the compromise, just try mentioning something not in the common orthodoxy of our world and see how people respond. Only if you have a very high charisma factor can you even get them to listen.
My point is not digging up the secret knowledge of the universe hidden under the propaganda, but simply the act of questioning common orthodoxy. I certainly don’t pretend to know the answers, but I’m absolutely certain the majority of mankind knows only a bunch of lies, and refuses to ask the questions.
In my devotion to the Bible, I note precious little is written of truly catastrophic events. Check out Peleg, whose name celebrates a rapid shift in the tectonic plates of the earth. Some previous great singular land mass was broken up during his life time. Yet somehow, people survived and humanity continued. What’s coming is unlikely to be The End itself. I say that in the sense we cannot possibly know or guess intelligently when that might be. It could come before I finish typing this, but it serves zero purpose to speculate. The point is we can’t know, so pretending all these events signal something of that sort is wasted effort.
Here we encounter the substance of Christian faith: We aren’t worried about it. Having established thoroughly on this blog how this plane of existence is inherently ephemeral, and it is wholly sanguinary yet proper to dismiss much of what passes for worldly concerns, we face these dramatic threats with equanimity. Not in the sense we don’t care millions will suffer and die; we aren’t at all happy about that. Rather, we know better than to think we’ll understand why, much less how to help. That is, except to help people understand death is merely the end of this existence, and there’s more on the other side, more than we could possibly know.
Because too many people take so seriously the things of this realm, we tend to over-dramatize in our minds expectations of how to face all this. That is, if I were to use the term “Elder Craft” instead of eldercraft, it would draw an entirely different range of interest. People would be checking to see what esoteric arts I am discussing, and seeking some advantage through various kinds of magic. In my mind, there is no real difference, except in the common associations people make, the mental baggage clinging to the terminology. What I see as the proper handling of the inexplicable in this world is the most elder craft, but there’s really not that much drama from where we sit today. I do from time to time spice things up a bit with parabolic language, trying to express things which can’t be put in human terms we recognize. Honestly, folks, the miracles and powers of the Age to Come are all there in my discussion of moral fabric and Spirit Realm. However, our interaction with such things will typically appear pretty mundane. But the secret to Methuselah’s near millennium of human life, while partly a result of a wholly different situation in terms of what the earth was like, is as much tied up in his clinging to God’s Laws as anything else.
No fictional portrayal, with all the special effects you’ve seen in the movies, will come close to the truth. It will overemphasize the manifestations of such things, but miss the whole point and undershoot the real drama because it’s beyond the human mind. Fighting for the opportunity to cling to the moral fabric is about as much adventure as I can really stand. As things go downhill fast in our American society, and the police state becomes smothering, I may well see some truly miraculous things as God’s power under His Laws defends my calling and witness. If not, my ability to resist whatever they try to wring from me will suffice. And if I simply die in the effort, that’s my ticket Home. In other words, I don’t get to choose most of that. What I do get to choose is the power to see that moral fabric, something invisible to mere human eyes, but shining brightly in my soul through spiritual vision.
I don’t fear the shift in the magnetic poles, nor any of the events connected to it on a cosmic scale. Should be quite entertaining to watch.
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