Really, there’s not that much to this. People tend to misread the Bible, particularly books like Revelation. In case you didn’t get it, John is not foretelling specific events. He is attempting to reveal Jesus from the highly symbolic and mystical point of view. That is, he’s trying to tell us what Jesus taught, showing us how things work in general.
So descriptions of global attacks on Jerusalem are symbolic for how the world in general treats genuine Christian faith. There is also a lot of stuff in his book about how God judges sin. If his writing didn’t help those whom he pastored directly in places like Ephesus, then it’s all a big lie, since that was his stated purpose. He was telling them what to expect, particularly once he — the last Apostle — died. Yes, things would change. No, it was not an apocalypse in the popular understanding. It was his best effort to explain in parabolic language.
There will be attempts by humans, individually and in groups, seeking to gain control of the whole world. There has been in the past, and it will happen again in the future until Christ returns. They will not ever succeed. It may appear they have, and sometimes they’ll believe they have, but it won’t happen. God simply won’t allow it. Every time something rises up to be all powerful, as it were, it will be burned down. That’s what the business of “Babylon is fallen” was meant to tell us.
Yes, terrible things are coming our way. Here in the US, we have been under martial law for some time, if you simply go by the definition of the term. Government forces have not begun random killings yet, but they could at any time, and nothing holds them back legally any longer. The POTUS has claimed authority to kill anyone anywhere in the world for any reason and he doesn’t have to explain. Anyone anywhere in the world, in theory at least, can be picked up off the street and spirited away to places unknown, and no one can demand the President do what’s right. You should not imagine they won’t be using those powers anytime soon — they already are doing it.
Hey, someone recently managed to fly from the mainland to Hawaii and once off the plane was told he cannot ever fly again. He’s stuck. US-bound ocean liners aren’t allowed to carry him, either. He can leave the US, if he’s pretty careful, but he’s not allowed to return to CONUS. No explanation, no warning, and no court in the land will review it. The only reasonable guess is he belongs to a prepper organization back home.
So crazy stuff, and harmful or even deadly stuff, is all real. But the idea of a global government is not gonna succeed. Let’s get past that. Stop listening to those lies.
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