Religious conversion is one thing; living in the Spirit Realm is an another matter entirely.
Would it shock you to discover a great many people are fully spiritually sensitive without claiming Christ? From a biblical perspective, that’s only possible if we have so confused and dirtied the label “Christian” that it has little to do with Christ. Fundamental to biblical faith is the assertion mankind is fallen at birth, spiritually dead. Only by His own initiative does God breathe life into a dead spirit. Nothing man can do will replicate that miracle. Our mission in religion is to open the pathway so people can understand as much of this as the human mind can grasp. We want living spirits to recognize the full truth and take the path of following Christ. Meanwhile, good religion does a lot to make life better for those who are spiritually dead.
Bad religion makes life unnecessarily difficult. Blake Page is dealing with bad religion a West Point.
I have often said people can embrace what I teach and not conflict much with any religion they like. Granted, you can’t have my calling and get along with much of any religion or religious organization, but I teach my calling is not yours. So you can read my stuff, absorb what is intended — read between the lines — and stay a member of just about any church and probably some non-Christian religions, too. I teach you can’t possibly swallow everything I say because you aren’t me. I teach you can see past the clothing of my blather and see the naked truth with your own living spiritual eyes. I teach this is inherent in the message of Christ.
The business of pressuring people to buy your particular brand of spirituality is simply bad religion. Within a narrow context, the message can be pretty passionate, even with fiery rhetoric. You can do that with a restricted audience, because you are all speaking the same language, using the same mythology and figures of speech. In the wider context, in a cosmopolitan world, you can’t take much for granted. Don’t even pretend my witness is weak simply because I’m not trying to manipulate people with sales pitching and pressure tactics. Serving Christ is not about persuasive logic. He said that Himself in His dialog with Nicodemas. Were it possible to move people to spiritual life by human talent, there would have been no Cross, and certainly no Resurrection.
There was a time I was pickled in the cultural religiosity of the sort which is so oppressive at West Point and the Air Force Academy. Some part of me hated it the whole time I was trying to make myself do it. When the Lord opened my mind through His Spirit to see why it was so uncomfortable, I realized how misled I was. That kind of manipulative religious crap is contrary to the Laws of God. Any form of manipulation is unjust, period. If people aren’t driven to religion by some inner fire, it’s not grace; it’s law. If your conduct doesn’t draw their interest, you aren’t living Christ. The fire of the Spirit draws. Religion is supposed to be a vehicle pulling people upward, not a secularizing force pulling revelation down to man’s fallen controlling impulses.
What we see in this is a false religion, a part of why God has judged America worthy of His wrath.
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Amen! It is, to me for lack of proper words, attraction…He should show through in what you do each day! Others should ask what makes you different, why are you able to get through! What gives you the strength! …opportunity to share what He has done for you! Why are you at peace with this terrible situation??? Let the sharing begin!!!! Lord give me the words!
TY Brother!