TMOC Association

Let’s see what happens…

Welcome to The Mind of Christ (TMOC) Association.

The only reason anyone bothers to organize in any way at all is because some humans share a common concern and want to make things happen, even if all that means is learning and sharing ideas. While TMOC Association hopes to change people, we believe all good change in the world comes from inside people.

TMOC Association arises from the internal changes suggested by the book, The Mind of Christ (TMOC). The book itself strives to make clear no human writing can contain the whole truth, nor in all contexts accurately report the truth. The book is simply one attempt at indicating the truth and giving some form and identity to the association.

Requirements for joining TMOC Association:

1. Commit to reading the book. You don’t have to agree with everything it says, only try to understand it. There must be a common starting point or no association has any meaning.

2. Take seriously the message of the book. Membership in the Association assumes you find some useful possibilities for good changes in the world that arise from the sort of thinking proposed in the book. The book is not the source of truth, just one guide.

3. Promise yourself you’ll make some internal changes based on the book.

4. Generalities: You don’t have to love Jesus nor even believe in Him, but you have to realize the Association membership mostly does. Don’t attack that belief. Don’t take yourself too seriously. If something is said which doesn’t grab you, let it pass. Differences can’t be avoid; what matters is what we share. Don’t be afraid to voice a different understanding on things, but only when it helps things move forward, when it helps others reduce false expectations for you.

5. Be flexible about the Association itself. Rules drift in and out according to the purpose, and changes will always reflect the tenor of who is involved.
Procedures: To join the TMOC Association, simply tell others you are a member, preferably including whomever is keeping track of such things. [That would be me for now.] You leave the Association when you stop saying you are a member, and especially if you announce you aren’t.

The coordinator will record as much membership ID data as you see fit. However the whole purpose is sharing ideas, which assumes a certain amount of communication. Thus, a reasonable minimum would be a nickname and some means of contact.

Update: Nothing happened. The idea died within days and no one joined. Such is life.

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