Racism is an excuse. It’s an excuse for both parties to avoid the work God has called us to do.
Fundamentals, first: We were created with a fundamentally spiritual orientation. In Eden, we traded that for reason and it wasn’t a good exchange. It’s a bad translation to call it the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Getting more to the point would be calling it the Tree of Judging Good and Evil; the inherent sin of all mankind is believing we could in our human condition rise to the authority to decide what constitutes good and evil. It’s a rejection of revelation. So long as you rely on reason as the primary source of decision, you are spiritually broken. It won’t matter if your spirit is alive, because you aren’t letting your spirit rule. Spiritual enlightenment, in clinical terms, is teaching your brain to listen to the spirit in communion with God’s Spirit.
So we grok this and begin the process of living by the Spirit. That does not solve all the friction. Consider: Two of us filled with spiritual motives can still disagree and part ways. The problem is not a case of one is right and the other is wrong. Thinking that way is a return to mere human reason, a departure from the spirit. The problem is our human minds cannot ever get the whole story. Two of us operating from the purest of spiritual leading can still disagree about something important. It’s not God who is confused; it is our perceptions which remain broken. The solution is not for one or both of us to change, to surrender our convictions. The solution is to recognize tension is utterly necessary to the human condition.
So long as any part of your being remains attached to this world by the thread of life, there can be no solution to all things. The world itself is broken and will never be fixed. Any expectation of finding peace on this earth in the form of human coexistence is damned nonsense. It’s an evil human demand from the lusts of the flesh. It is the ultimate arrogance of shaking your fist in God’s face. The only solution is removing this universe and God decides when that happens. To imagine there is any way to fix this world is one of the greatest heresies afflicting the Body of Christ.
If we finally understand conflict over spiritual things is inevitable, is the norm in following Christ, then we cannot avoid the conclusion friction in other realms of human endeavor is normal. It’s not bad; it just is.
Racism, whatever you imagine that word to mean, was here before you and I were born and will be long after (unless Christ returns first). You cannot remove racism, not even from your own soul. It’s hard wired. Raising the cry of racism as the excuse to demand things is inherently evil, the work of Satan. I’m just as racist as you are, regardless of what race you may imagine you belong to. The only way to end tension is for everyone to die. What makes us participate in righteousness is how we handle the tension.
There is no sin in feeling a little edgy around folks who look and act different. When the atmosphere changes to one where you aren’t sure what to expect, the human emotion of fear and discomfort is good and right. Those who don’t feel discomfort are psychopaths. Those who refuse to accommodate those natural fears are evil. They are the true racists. When you are a member of the dominant group in the immediate context, it is God’s requirement that you reach out to the stranger with that shepherd instinct. Anything less is inexcusable.
Thus saith the Lord.
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