I’ve already pointed out here, repeatedly, that our entire social structure in the US is in violation of God’s Laws. We are pickled in a mythology built from from layers of Greek and Roman heathen notions, with a fat layer of ancient Euro-Germanic tribal notions, plus a heavy dose of Enlightenment secularism. Nothing we do will ever be right in God’s eyes until we start from scratch and build a society based on Ancient Near Eastern tribal feudalism. That system is the fundamental assumptions behind all God’s Laws, including Jesus’ comments about “love your neighbor as yourself.” You cannot possibly obey Jesus’ teaching until you embrace that ancient social structure. Period.
Aside from that, we have a lot of stupid arguments today about social issues and “there oughta be a law” arising from a complete misunderstanding of what was intended by those who thought they knew what they were doing. We have a vast ocean of stupidity about what’s actually possible and plausible within our very badly broken system. I’ll leave for the reader the task of deciding what ought to be, but will offer a firm prophetic warning of what is going to happen because nobody wants to do the right thing.
It is an ugly blatant lie to assert our current law enforcement is what the people want. What we have is the result of many small decisions over many decades in which a tiny vocal minority has hijacked government and all the primary public information outlets. This is not so much a conspiracy as a simple fact of how democratic government works. When the fundamental lever of power is a presumed “will of the people,” the primary path to power is deception. Good people don’t want power over others, so the only people who will gravitate to positions of power and authority are bad people, along with a lot of marginal folks who aren’t all that motivated about being good. This is simply how it is.
So here we are today with a very large and well-armed police presence which is frankly not any friend of the people. Their only mission is protecting state prerogatives. Any other language is simply intellectual dishonesty. Law enforcement people are not heroes; theirs is one of the lowest risk jobs possible these days. They do not face danger at every moment, though they do find themselves quite often in some very tense moments. That’s because most of what they do is not in any interest of the other folks involved.
In other words, almost all law enforcement activity is contrary to good public order and social stability. Whatever it may have been in the past, it is time to peel away the mythology. Almost everyone facing a hostile police intrusion into their lives today are just ordinary people doing things that aren’t anyone else’s business, but the state demands a level of control that is simply evil.
So we come to the place where most loud and abusive encounters with police are dangerously close to justifying the cops being shot. Let’s be precise: “justify” as in good and proper in the interests of the people. While it does vary widely across the US, there are places I can go today where the police are no more than a hostile occupation army, enemies of those they police. Ask the policemen a few questions; if they answer honestly, you’ll find a strong stain of open hostility to average people in their jurisdiction. They’ll justify it all sorts of ways, talking about how evil and mean the people are, refusing to obey the laws. What you will not ever hear from them is any honest discussion of whether the laws are in the least justified. They’ve been forbidden from thinking about that at all.
Most of those laws are poking a finger in God’s eye. They are designed to transfer control to the elite governing class, a level of control which enables rapacious abuse. If you don’t see these trends, chances are you are part of the problem. If you are an activist pushing for more draconian controls, don’t be surprised someday soon when someone in your neighborhood decides you are a good target for hunting.
Let’s be blunt: The Second Amendment was precisely so the average Joe had a reasonable chance of winning a confrontation with the cops. Our forefathers fully expected government would drift into oppression because all governments always do. It’s not as if they ignored the idea some folks might be crooks. They fully expected the average Joes would get together and run the crooks off or kill them. But they were elitist to the core themselves, refusing to recognize it. They falsely believed they could construct a system which would allow people to cycle through destroying those oppressive governments and starting from scratch, on a regular basis. They understood it meant regular armed revolt, but that whole idea has been buried under some sweet sounding rhetoric about peaceful change from within the system. It wasn’t supposed to last the first fifty years without complete replacement and rewriting the constitution. The forefathers said as much, quite bluntly, at the beginning of the US Constitution. They didn’t realize it was impossible to keep psychopaths from hijacking the process and locking in evil government.
I am not an activist of any stripe. I don’t like what I see on either side of this ugliness. But this stuff is getting worse and both sides are hardening in their hostilities toward each other. It cannot avoid boiling over into actions which result in open warfare in the streets. That this is entirely inevitable is what most people don’t understand.
Hear the warning of God: We have created a culture which values sin as a prize. The vast majority of the residents are discouraged from the sort of depth and intelligence which makes it possible to bear the normal sorrows of this world. Instead, they are sold every form of diversion, so it’s no surprise many abuse substances or engage other escapist addictions. Then we make all that escapism illegal when we listen to the vast lies of the elitists who steer this, putting people in prison for doing what we insist they must do because it makes them money. In God’s eyes, an awful lot of people in government today deserve to be shot, but most of us are no better, having listened to lies about a mythological good life that could never exist anywhere on this earth. We have rejected His Word before we even got started, so the whole thing serves only to bring Hell upon this earth.
The Christian Mystic will repent and stand weeping as all this ugliness ruptures around like swelling pustules of moral sickness. We can do nothing except call out His truth and hope just a tiny few will grasp that lifeline and climb up to sanity. No, we can’t escape completely; many of us will die violently because there is no way for us to avoid it. However, whatever good can be salvaged is only possible by clinging to His Laws as revealed by His Son.
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