Be Ready

For those who share some of my beliefs, it is utterly necessary we arm our souls for what’s coming.

It is impossible to overstate the necessity of understanding how propaganda and various forms of psychological warfare work. My personal experience is widely varied. If there is anything about my experience that gives me an advantage, it would be the awareness I had going into it. Somewhere early in my life I was alerted to the psychology of manipulation. While I remained vulnerable to various measures for a long time after, I was able to evaluate the experiences and make some effort to shed the long term effects. I know without a doubt there are great many others out there who are stronger and know more than I.

But I was trained in methods of interrogation and the ways most people respond to conditioning. One thing stood out in that training: There were two kinds of people you can’t interrogate effectively. First, there will always be someone sharper than you.

They’ll win every encounter; you discover them by the first couple of questions and comments, as well as minor subtle techniques in how they are handled while in custody (some of it is specifically designed to provoke a reaction). Second, there will also be a tiny handful so completely different from the mainstream that there is not a thing you can do with them. They might be some degree of mentally disturbed, but for whatever reason, they simply do not respond to the standard expectations. They are wild cards who are totally unpredictable.

Only your DNA and education can make you the first kind, sharp enough to challenge highly trained manipulators. But everyone who seeks true spiritual development can graduate from being sheeple and become part of the second group.

A critical element is learning the instinct to pull away from the habits that channel you and keep you vulnerable to the programming. While I doubt there is a single human entity running the whole show in the US, you are surely aware of the various sources of subtle and nasty conditioning being pushed into our faces every waking moment of every day. I’ve discussed Game Theory and feminist mythology programming in our society here. I’ve talked about key words, hot button issues and emotional stirring, etc. God knows I’ve spilled trillions of electrons countering Western epistemology and all the intellectual manipulation we see across the face of much of this world.

So I generally hate videos as a means to propagating information. The medium itself is well known for conditioning people to lower their internal barriers to propaganda. It has been used that way for quite some time. I can’t get Christians to understand that, just because videos seem effective, it does not mean they are good for godly training. The apparent effectiveness is part of the larger deception that Satan uses to keep people weak and easily manipulated. Spiritual growth makes you resistant to such means; it doesn’t capitalize on them. If you can’t stop watching TV and movies, you will remain vulnerable like an addict. I don’t mean religiously avoid them, but develop a high conscious resistance. Don’t watch TV for entertainment, but only for information. Learn to turn away when it becomes too interesting.

I am still forced to use video from time to time because the people with the information and the skills to present it don’t understand; they actively participate in keeping their viewers weak to the very threats they are warning us about. So I’m going to link to one today:

In no uncertain terms, let me warn you: The US government hates Christian Mysticism. Standard evangelical Christianity has long been tamed and is currently well enough controlled to serve the State’s purposes. Evangelicals only imagine they are persecuted because of the false partisan divisions used to keep society distracted. But if you embrace the otherworldly mindset of Scripture, you are a living threat to their system of control. Were I to write a complete manual on resistance, I’m not sure it would contain anything different from the material I’ve already piled up on this blog and my static website (site is gone now). The government has their manuals already in place, too, as the video indicates. Yes, the purpose of this military document is sinister, as is a great deal of what the military has been doing for a great many years. I can’t tell you how often I read something or was taught something in the military that God directly condemns in Scripture.

The whole idea is not to play their game, not to live your life in the shallow portion of your soul where they want you. This isn’t about getting you to do what they want; for the most part Our Savior encourages that. This is about displacing Him in your heart. The US government insists on being your God. This is same thing First Century Christians faced with the worship is Caesar. The difference is, now you are required to worship the impersonal State. This is the thing you must resist.

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One Response to Be Ready

  1. Misty P. says:

    In the last few months I’ve read a lot about the hidden messages that go with television. Like watching a TV show about a rich family….you’re never going to try to act like that, and know you’re never going to be it, but you don’t realize that you’re absorbing the underlying assumptions that, say, that’s how they dress. Everything is created with a worldview, and television is so rich on so many levels most people have a hard time being aware and filtering every level of worldview that is slipped in there.

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