Morality Defines All Things

Morality is defined as obedience to God’s revelation regarding things in this life. It is living in this fallen world according to a divine understanding of what’s wrong and what’s right, but it assumes an understanding that is higher than human intellect. If we could raise up three or four generations within the Ancient Near Eastern Mystical intellectual traditions, we could just possibly reconstruct a morality that approximates God’s living divine will. Anything less is a complete moral failure.
Jesus taught that it was necessary to have a spiritual birth, a living connection between the soul and the Realm of the Spirit, to really understand God’s will. What the entire range of Western Christendom refuses to understand is that Jesus also taught the Hebrew Mystical outlook as the necessary human preparation to be used by the Spirit of God. That is, the human task of clinging to God’s holiness is the task of conditioning the mind to be more Hebraic. His own people were not very Hebraic in His day, having suffered the embrace of Hellenism among the religious leaders. Hebrew Mysticism wasn’t totally absent from the Judean people, but it was fading fast. If you don’t grasp how His declarations demanded a return to Hebrew thinking, a repentance from Hellenism, you cannot possibly pretend to understand Jesus.
You also cannot understand the failure of Judaism, because that religion is not at all the same as the Old Testament religion of Israel. It bears some superficial resemblance, but it is not the same at the core of how it rests in the human mind. The mind was given by God to organize and implement His moral laws, not to rule and control the executive decision making process. The Spirit of God is the ultimate Executive, working only through our spirits. The rituals of the Old Testament permitted men to learn from God’s Spirit when they were not necessarily spirit-born. It was in proper observance of the rituals that His Spirit rested upon the process and the results reflected His divine will. Some few rare individuals were born of the Spirit in the Old Testament, people who were possessed of a high moral intelligence. But after the Cross, that was thrown open to a great many more people. So after the Cross, we no longer pass through grand rituals to hear from God, but we are permitted to enter His divine Presence in the Spirit Realm itself.
Without the intellectual foundation of the ancient Hebrew Mysticism, the mind cannot begin to understand the moving of the Spirit. Some things will be obvious, but we will not make much of the refinement of His divine will because it will remain incomprehensible. God sponsors any effort to embrace His will, but it will be technically wrong. It will be pleasing to Him personally that you will want to do what’s right, but you won’t be able to understand it because your Westernized (Hellenized) mind cannot follow the mystical paths of God’s revelation. Your mind has been subtly trained to distrust the one path God laid on this earth for the human mind to understand His divine moral laws.
This is why the churches today are so morally and spiritually corrupt. The ancient ways define the answers, but the modern mind rejects those definitions. We find plenty of people determined to reclaim the blessings of morality, but failing completely to understand the very nature of what morality is. Yes, obeying His Laws will bring prosperity, but not prosperity as defined by Western Christians. It’s not a matter of expensive suits, big houses and cars. Divine morality is a matter of producing more than you need so you can share it with those who don’t have. So people follow some code of productivity which seems to work, but that path has always brought the same results since ancient Babylon. That is not morality and it is not the blessings of God you receive from it. You are simply reaping the rewards of Western mercantile culture within a Western mercantile economic system.
That system is dying, folks. Pretty soon your “holy” habits won’t produce the same level of wealth. When the traditional Western Christian methods of gaining wealth quit working, it will shock the churches and people will fall away from the false religion. The Christians in leadership will remain completely lost in their false system of belief and will not understand why it’s coming apart, and will insist the faithful stay the course and ride the current over the waterfall. People will be hurt, suffering far more than is necessary in this fallen world.
Meanwhile, a precious few do understand the moral fabric of the universe, having rejected the dominance Western rationalism made it the servant, not the lord. They reject all the definitions of the West and these few will reap what little is possible from a world under God’s wrath. The Western traditional rejection of the ancient Hebrew ways must bring His wrath; that was His promise long ago. As with the Pharisees who had defined God into something totally foreign to His revelation, I expect most of Western Christianity to continue rejecting the ancient ways right up until the modern version of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem comes upon us. I can see a fading, dying false religion still clinging to their mythology the way Judaism does today. The Jews threw their heritage away; we never had it because we rejected it before we started. With the Judeans, His wrath was targeted at taking away the false religious infrastructure. He refused to protect the one thing to which they clung, because His Presence was not in it. With us here in the US, it will be far more general because we don’t have a shred of truth to save, and His Presence was never here in any significant sense. He brought spiritual life to people largely despite the churches.
Instead, we have a mythology of holiness that was false from the start. God permitted it because of His own patience, the same as He permitted ancient pagan religions to flourish outside His revelation. Our brand of Christianity in the US is more pagan than godly, as it is generally throughout the West. I have the audacity to say this because He has seized me and demanded I understand His moral laws and the ways of His revelation. He has pulled me through the grinder, shredding and shedding the ways of the West. Not in some superficial aping of something you might recognize as Middle Eastern habits or anything that silly, but I embrace the paths of thought God laid down for those who follow Him.
I’m not better than you. My life has a better morality because it follows His revelation more accurately. My human weaknesses are ever before me, a painful constant reminder of my fallen nature. Still, it is His pleasure to show me His truth. I have begun to see His world through His eyes. By no means have I arrived, but I define all things through His divine revelation of morality, and it obviously makes me see a radically different world than most American Christians.
Folks, we are in deep trouble with God as a nation. It’s over; there is no path of repentance for this nation because it was built on sand in the first place. These storms here in Oklahoma are just a parable of the wider wrath of God upon our intellectual foundations. We have to start from scratch and build our lives according to His moral laws, not some mythical garbage stolen from nearly two thousand years of accommodation with a false epistemology. If we do not turn from our Western heritage, we will be destroyed with it.
If the truth in this message calls to you, repent and learn His ways.

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