When It All Goes Away

I’ve had my ten seconds of fame. It passed almost without my noticing. All that is left here is mumbling to myself, which a couple of other folks tend to read once in awhile. Indeed, I won’t even make any money from it. I don’t have much of a copyright on my stuff. Mostly it amounts to, “Quote as much as you like, but cite my name.” Someday all this will be gone. People won’t remember very many of my words, if any. The computer on which I type them will die, as will the servers which host them. Eventually my name will be forgotten. I harbor no delusions about such things.

Even I won’t remember my own words. I’ve been writing stuff for so long, I can fail to recognize my own material at times. What I remember is what I believe, what I want to say about things. Most of all, I can’t forget what I cannot walk away from, my convictions. They will kill me some day, and that’s as it should be. Otherwise, what holds me is unworthy.

It need not be some SWAT team breaking down the door, nor wounds taken in a rebellion fire fight. Those things are increasingly likely, perhaps approaching even probable, but that’s not the point. Rather, I am utterly certain we are doomed. We have shook our fist in the face of God for so long, we can’t remember not doing it. Lately we’ve gone to sticking our national finger in His eye. He is not amused, and in due time His patience will end

We were never really half so noble nor important as we believed. For example, we’ve been torturing our supposed enemies since the beginning of our nation, and have never stopped. We’ve allowed our government to lie about the motives for just about every war. The last war actually thrust upon us was 1812, and even that may have been avoidable. In all the rest, we got involved in something none of our business. But war is where the money is, and we have always wanted money. We’ve wanted it far more than any of those noble things we’ve been taught to believe about ourselves.

Soon, we will pay the ultimate price. God will destroy this nation. It will be forgotten, just like my name.

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