Job 23

You would almost think that Job simply ignores Eliphaz. Rather, he refuses to dignify such stupidity with a direct answer. Instead, Job rips the foundation out from under the lies.

Job reexamines the facts. He asserts his suffering is great, hinting that it is more than any one the trio could bear. It’s not as if Job could appeal directly to God in person. Could he do so, this whole thing would be ended in minutes. God is not known for answering just any random appeal for explanations; mere human need is not a valid basis for seeking God’s face. You have to approach Him on behalf of His own glory.

Nor would God reject Job. God is not deaf even now to Job’s cries, but there has to be a reason beyond human ken. Such is God’s nature. You cannot chase Him down as you would anyone living on the earth. God is not confined to human space. So while Job cannot touch God, God can touch Job any time He likes. And God knows Job has pure motives, a clean heart wholly committed to Him alone.

God is the ultimate mystery and ultimate sovereign. He does whatever He wants with Job until it pleases Him to change the situation. This is what causes Job to tremble. It’s not because Job has some fear in his heart, or moral blind spots. Job sees as clear as daylight that the whole question turns on God’s sovereign whims and nothing else.

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