Global Stewardship

A proper understanding that we do not own any part of this world teaches us to be vastly better stewards of God’s blessings. Though it is we who are deeply flawed and unable to touch Creation as God made it for us, that does not mean we cannot repent and participate in redemption. In one sense, it is a practice run here below for our future Life in Eternity.

Acknowledging God as Our Creator begins in acknowledging Him as the source of life in all things. All the world around us echoes His holiness. The world is cursed by sin, but Creation did not sin. We are the problem. It need not continue in that fashion, but we must recognize that absolutism has no place in spiritual reckoning. Absolutism is the obsession planted in our minds, a fatal flaw from the hands of our Enemy. It is suitable only for children who remain in the mental womb. Our Lord calls us to grow up and embrace the complications of His divine revelation.

We who follow Christ are greener than the Greens, whether they be political or philosophical Greens, or both. They blindly make a religion of this earth as it is under the Curse. While they correctly identify humanity as the primary problem, their solution presses toward exterminating humans (except for their elite selves). They deny that this entire universe was made for us, but somehow imagine it exists for its own sake. It is not that the whole Creation is about us; Creation extends far beyond our universe. Rather, this universe exists now solely as the place of proofing in regards to humans, as to how they relate to the Creator. This is the true Purgatory, insofar as there is one. But in accordance with His revelation, the only purpose we can attach to the continued existence of this universe is a place of proofing, a testing ground for souls He awakens to eternity.

In rejecting the Green religion, we are not forced to become polluting Capitalists, nor embrace any other religion or political philosophy of this world. We reject all current ownership philosophies. None of them represent the truth of God. All are in the service of Satan. However, if we are not mindful of our world as the property of God, and we as His stewards, we cannot hope to understand how revelation works.

No human philosophy or religion in the current world reflects that divine truth. Some partake of pieces of the truth, mostly by accident. There is no lie so insidious as the one standing closest to the truth, while denying that one missing element. Even more sinister is that some of those systems were cynically devised and are promoted by people who never actually believed any of it. But we who are Spirit-born realize we cannot hope to encompass ultimate truth in our minds. We are self-cynical enough to recognize our best and brightest ideas can only approximate a functional model.

The key is not the beauty and integrity of the model we construct, but whether it brings peace in pursuit of our calling. It’s not as if there can be no doctrine, but there is a huge difference between fairly obvious statements in Scripture and some theoretical abstractions of the mind as a consequence of reading those statements. We struggle enough to reclaim the intellectual traditions of those who wrote Scripture without injecting our alien concepts back into Scripture. It is possible to acknowledge a body of common teaching with which our models must be consistent in order to bring peace and to share that peace with others.

This we endeavor to do here at Kiln of the Soul. However, no one pretends we will all agree on every point. It is a question of whether we agree enough to cooperate, and on what level we can cooperate. I contend that a healthy starting place is recognizing the deeply buried deception of ownership of Creation. So long as that false notion remains unconscious, like all the other lies of Satan, it can bind and hinder true spiritual fellowship. Servants of Christ will use the earth as a precious gift. Yes, should that model of understanding dominate, we would probably live a completely different world. It would be a far nicer world, but let’s not waste time chasing dreams of our own making.

There is no doubt that Rome did some serious ecological damage in building those ancient roads and all the other infrastructure to support imperial power. Paul’s position was that it could still be used in good faith as the quickest way to spread the truth long denied by humanity in the first place. Use what is in your hand unless your conscience refuses. Realize that your conscience is meant to be adjusted as you live by the truth and dive deeper into the mind of Christ.

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3 Responses to Global Stewardship

  1. forrealone says:

    Each day is a gift of Life, an opportunity to see a glimmer of the True Reality, the Original Reality made for us in Eden. View your life with an open heart to Our Father and His Revelations can be astounding! Anything else sidetracks and sometimes can totally divert you. I way prefer glimmers to full screen foolishness.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      You of all people will probably understand this: My body is having a crappy day, but my soul is alight with joy. I’m not so surprised that God keeps His promises, but surprised at the huge load of extras He piles on with them.

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