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Author Archives: ehurst
Balaam’s Teaching
In John’s Revelation, among the seven churches to which the Spirit of God has him write is Pergamum in chapter 2. But I have a few things against you: You have some people there who follow the teaching of Balaam, … Continue reading
Sources of Truth
There’s a booklet length article on Zero Hedge that you will likely find boring: What If the America You Pledge Allegiance to Isn’t the One Running the Show?. It’s loaded with references to legislation and court cases, and some of … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged censorship, corporations, government bureaucracy, human government, Modern Israel, oppression
NT Doctrine — Conclusion
I’m not going to say that John’s Revelation doesn’t contain any doctrine, but that doctrine is not the purpose for writing it. It is prophecy in symbols, all reaching back to echo the symbols of the Old Testament. Its content … Continue reading
They Don’t Actually Do It
In Scripture, the vast majority of the time, the term “sinner” refers primarily to someone outside the Covenant. To be more specific, it can also refer to someone in the covenant family who has stepped outside the boundaries and have … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged America, covenant identity, secular state, sexual perversion, sin
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Roles Rolled Away
God revealed Himself in the Bible. If you reject the testimony of Scripture, you reject God. In the Bible, we learn that a covenant society is peaceful and stable. Everyone has a place, a mission in life, and they have … Continue reading
NT Doctrine — Jude
John’s second and third letters are brief summaries of what he wrote in his first epistle, addressed to a couple of people noted for helping itinerant preachers take the gospel to new mission fields. Chronology: Paul was executed in roughly … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Balaam, Bible History, elohim, Enoch, gnostic heresies, Jude, moral boundaries, Rebellion of Korah, Two Realms
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The Two Rituals
A couple more questions regarding religious practice for Kiln of the Soul. We aren’t interested in sacraments. That concept arose long after the New Testament times. We do have two prominent ritual practices: communion and baptism. Communion need not be … Continue reading
Glorious Deal-maker
When God does not grant to me a vision of future things, I simply go back to my convictions and extrapolate from there. What He tells me I must do on the smaller scale often indicates something about what’s coming … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged business, corporations, economics, future, Modern Israel, politics, Ukraine
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Again Missing the Point
Keep things in perspective. It would be very easy to get riled up about the internal conflict of the federal government. Yes, millions of useless tax eaters are up in arms and actively resisting Trump’s overhaul of the system. I … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy, tribulation
Tagged Apocalypse, disasters, economic troubles, information war, social stability, tribulation
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NT Doctrine — 1 John 5
John’s schoolboy Greek grammar should be obvious, but people have debated for the past two millennia over what he says in this chapter. I take the position that the so-called “John’s comma” in verse 8 was not in the original … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Apostle John, baptism, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, sin, spiritual birth, the Cross
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