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Category Archives: meta
Dear Junia…
You’ve offered several comments on this post, and I’m grateful for the attention and lack of rancor; you are not a troll. You want the story told clearly and honestly. I get that, and I’m going to return the favor … Continue reading →
Posted in meta
Tagged Hebrew epistemology, kiln of the soul, Vox Day, western epistemology
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General Letters Revision for Printing
This should be the last post on this blog. As promised, the last of the commentaries is now ready for printing: AT-Generals
Pastoral Letters Revision for Printing
Next in the series: AT-Pastorals. We’ve got only one left to go.
Posted in meta
Tagged publishing, writing
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Pauline Letters Revision for Printing
Paul’s letters finished and formatted for printing: AT-Paul. We still have the General Letters and Pastoral Letters to go.
The Time Has Come
I’ve been warning about this for a long time: This blog is going to go silent. There has been a lot of stuff working in the background over the past few weeks. Some of you know about it already. This … Continue reading →
Covenant Manhood Booklet
I’ve revised the series and made it into a booklet in printable DOCX format: Covenant Manhood. I also have it in PDF and Open Document format. If you prefer, you can chase it via Google Docs here.
Posted in meta
Tagged biblical manhood, publishing, writing
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Isaiah Commentary Revision for Printing
AT-Isaiah is now ready for your printing pleasure. I discovered that Google Docs can arbitrarily decide to change all the paragraph styles and really mess things up. I also discovered the MS Word Online makes no allowance for modifying any … Continue reading →
Posted in meta
Tagged prophet isaiah, publishing, writing
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Kills White Blood Cells
A nurse says that, in her practice, lab tests show that those who receive the COVID vaccines lose their capacity to make white blood cells. When they are all gone, the medical name for that condition is: AIDS. This, by … Continue reading →
What’s This “Radix Fidem” Thing?
Because of a sudden surge in traffic on this blog, it’s important that all these new viewers have a fresh restatement of what this blog is about. We are the Radix Fidem covenant community. That name is simply Latin for … Continue reading →
Acts Commentary Revision for Printing
AT-Acts is ready now. This is how I spent my whole day, working on this. Meta: I have been expecting Microsoft to do something stupid in the near future. Recently they have completely alienated me by something that is actually … Continue reading →