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Category Archives: personal
Today’s a good day to consider what is before us. As noted yesterday here, martial law is now officially the law of the land. I still believe it will take awhile for things to gear up. However, crushing dissent has … Continue reading
For My Next Adventure… (Updated)
I’m getting older, but I’m not yet old enough to have lost all wanderlust. Sadly, my next adventure could be some form of custody. Yes, there is much hyperbole there. I rather expect I would have some form of lead … Continue reading
Fraudulent Use of My Personal Info
I’m trying to imagine why, but someone seems to have lifted my personal contact details and posted a bogus resume on several job websites, such as Monster. First, I got a bunch of notices from the websites. I’ve complained to … Continue reading
Sheep, Sheep Dogs and Shepherds
Human excellence is self-selecting. Sheep don’t think of themselves as sheep. They consider themselves people, all different, all special. Sheep dogs think in terms of what they do, which is face down the threats. They aren’t likely to intervene much … Continue reading
Recommended Listening: Judith de los Santos
You cannot compare artists objectively. You can only say what it is you like most. That’s what art is about. I suppose for some of us, music does that. It touches something inside, and for each of us, there is … Continue reading
Christmas Grammar Grouch
I really don’t have any great words of wisdom, nor any diseased mutterings to share. Instead, I’m going to grouse about some things which have made me grouchy regarding the decline in precise grammar. But first, a factoid: You know … Continue reading
Trail Closed Forever
I was out on the trail today and ran into a hunter. He wasn’t particularly rude or anything, but he rattled off the name of the property owner, and who had the hunting lease. He told me I wasn’t supposed … Continue reading
Idle Wish
Someday before I die, I’d love to visit the Aegean Sea. I want to swim on some small island shore, maybe row a good bit. No, there is absolutely no justification, aside from perhaps just hoping to see some of … Continue reading
Leftover Turkey Salad
It’s not the salad left over, but the leftover turkey. Any meat will do, but for this time of year in the US, turkey is abundant and cheap. I frankly enjoy using my bare hands to strip all the meat … Continue reading
Can't Always Be a Cool Alpha
Don’t be too simplistic. In several posts I’ve advised folks to use Game as a means to operating in social situations, simply because that’s a reflection of basic human nature. It applies most of all when you find yourself in … Continue reading