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Category Archives: tribulation
What They Want You to Believe
I’ve written recently about what we can see in this world from the Covenant perspective that outsiders cannot grasp. From time to time, outsiders have asked for my take on current events, I suppose just as a thought exercise, since … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged economic troubles, politics, propaganda, sanity, social stability, tribulation, war
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Abiding Wrath of God
Does God punish nations for wickedness? Of course He does. However, He has made it clear that His agenda includes using such nations for His divine purposes. His purposes exceed our understanding, but He sometimes gives hints. The hints in … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged America, fleshly nature, God's wrath, moral discernment, politics, predestination, worldliness
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Opportunities Are Rising
I’m writing this late the night before because I can’t sleep. There’s too much noise in my soul. I write my convictions. My human talents are just the vehicle; the content is from my heart. My heart says we shall … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged convictions, economic troubles, election day, faith, heart-led, politics, war
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Another Look at Expectations
Aside from the broad political and economic threats to life here in the US, there is a raft of other moves to make us miserable. You are probably aware of the various Green cult efforts to reduce human population. There … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged economic troubles, globalists, government policy, oppression, politics, tribulation, Zionism
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Economic Malice
Let my try to make this as simple as possible. Most people don’t really grasp economics, and economists do their best to keep it murky. The US economy rests on one thin thread: consumption. If consumption slides, the whole thing … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged banking, economic theory, economic troubles, federal government, oppression, tribulation
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The Sure Path
While we might have been surprised by the audacity and scale of vote counting fraud in the last presidential election, the fact that it was fraudulent was no surprise. Many of us saw it coming. If I thought voting mattered, … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged covenant, Elohim Council, Gentiles, Jesus Christ, Jewish identity, racism
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War Soon
On the one hand, I’m not all that sure what humans could actually pull off. On the other hand, I’m quite confident I understand their various ambitions. Starting from the top level, we already know that the neocons, and to … Continue reading
God Is Waiting on Us
We are called to speak the truth about what’s going on in this world. The Lord has revealed what is true: This world is fallen and sinners will sin. Nothing good will ever come of human ambition. Human ambition itself … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged Biblical Law, demons, divine election, eschatology, fundamental mission, Gentiles, Jews, sacrificial love, Satan, testimony
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It’s Who We Are, Not What We Do
I’ve already laid the foundation: This life is an illusion. Our human existence has only one purpose, and that is to testify that God alone deserves all praise and glory. There are others competing for some of that glory, and … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged Biblical Law, disasters, divine election, human existence, The Great Commission
Threats Abound
We can speculate all we like about what God is thinking, but the fact Earth’s magnetic poles are moving is painfully obvious. They are converging toward each other, and the mathematical models suggest the earth’s magnetic field will virtually disappear … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged Apocalypse, disasters, natural processes, solar catastrophes, tribulation
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