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Tag Archives: Apocalypse
Again Missing the Point
Keep things in perspective. It would be very easy to get riled up about the internal conflict of the federal government. Yes, millions of useless tax eaters are up in arms and actively resisting Trump’s overhaul of the system. I … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy, tribulation
Tagged Apocalypse, disasters, economic troubles, information war, social stability, tribulation
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Mission for the Apocalypse
Human conflict will increasingly consume everything in sight. The nightmare has just begun. Let’s review the knowns: Netanyahu is determined to provoke an apocalypse. It is plainly obvious from his actions and words that he desires deeply a global war … Continue reading
Interesting Times
I have come to believe that the elections, now just over 2 months away, simply aren’t that important. Yes, they will certainly affect us. Whichever bunch wins will have a lot to do with the flavor of our apocalypse, but … Continue reading
Saddling Up
I had another message ready, but the real world has intruded once again. I believe I should meet the need as it arises. I suppose most of you are aware that we are on the brink of war in the … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged Apocalypse, compassion, Modern Israel, providence, tribulation, war
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A Nephilim Comeback
Ref: this video featuring Dr. Heiser explaining some important biblical understanding of the Nephilim and the Conquest. One of our biggest problems in analyzing the text of the Bible is that there are no clear lines delineating between literal and … Continue reading
Threats Abound
We can speculate all we like about what God is thinking, but the fact Earth’s magnetic poles are moving is painfully obvious. They are converging toward each other, and the mathematical models suggest the earth’s magnetic field will virtually disappear … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged Apocalypse, disasters, natural processes, solar catastrophes, tribulation
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Reign of Terror 2.0
I should hope that some of you have already seen this analysis by Victor Davis Hanson. There’s not much to argue with there. Of particular note was his comment that we are headed for a Reign of Terror 2.0, where … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged AI, Antichrist, Apocalypse, computer technology, radix fidem, Reign of Terror, tribulation
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The Necessity of Destruction
The problem is not that some women work outside the home, pursue a career and have no inclination to marry. The problem is that they want it. It’s the dominant pagan idolatry in the West. As long as they keep … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Apocalypse, Biblical Law, biblical manhood, biblical womanhood, Covenant of Christ, marriage
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Rejoicing at Revelation
When you recognize the clear statements in the Bible on Divine Election, the implications are enormous. There stands this vast network based on the false Decision Theology that dominates religion talk, and it’s all a lie. We do not convince … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged Apocalypse, Decision Theology, divine election, false perception, human futility, mainstream religion, the Cross, tribulation