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Tag Archives: Bible History
New Testament Doctrine — Luke 2:41-52
In late March, faithful Jews would make pilgrimage to the Temple for Passover. The distance was some 70 miles, and only the hardiest walkers with little to carry could make it in about four days. Your average family would take … Continue reading
Matthew 2:19-23
Why such a short passage? Once again, the background story is huge. To make full sense of what Matthew is telling us, we need to be aware of at least some of what was common knowledge in the time this … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Bible History, Edom, Intertestamental Period, King Herod, Maccabees
New Testament Doctrine: Matthew 2:1-15
It’s not possible to make sense of this passage without a substantial look at the historical background. Astrology figures large in our text as the presumed background of the visiting Magi. While Matthew’s comment that they came from “the east” … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ANE, astrology, Bible History, Herod the Great, Messiah, Persian Empire, Roman Empire, Zoroastrianism
Miscellaneous Notes 01
Just for the record, the current noise in the MSM about UFOs is another government lie. Notice what I’m saying here: I won’t suggest that there are no real UFOs, and I won’t say there are no aliens from other … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged Bible History, Big Tech, government, miscellaneous, persecution
New Testament Doctrine — Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7
We continue our efforts to demythologize the gospel. Upon returning from her three-month visit with Elizabeth, Mary had no doubt that she was pregnant. It would start to show soon. We can be sure she tried to explain the whole … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ancient hebrew culture, Bible History, jesus the man, messianic prophecy, Roman government, scripture
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New Testament Doctrine — Luke 1:26-38
Whence came the Messiah? Part of what we do here is demythologizing the narrative, removing the gilding from the lily. What we need is to breathe life into the narrative as it stands. We’ve looked at the Forerunner, and we … Continue reading
Law of Moses — Ezra 6
We jump a couple of chapters. In them, we see that the mixed multitude of pagans Esarhaddon had shipped into the northern kingdom, eventually called “Samaritans,” came and asked to participate in building the new temple. Keep in mind that … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Assyria, babylonian empire, Bible History, Persian Empire, Temple, The Samaritans
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Law of Moses — Ezra 3
The Edict of Cyrus is dated most commonly 538 BC. It probably took a couple of years for the first group of 50,000 returnees to get everything organized. Then the journey would have taken no less than four months to … Continue reading
Law of Moses — Ezra 1
So we left off with the King of Judah being subject to Pharaoh. Josiah’s heir took the throne in 609 BC and lasted three months as an evil king before Pharaoh deported him to Egypt. Instead, a younger brother was … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged babylonian empire, Bible History, old testament history, Persian Empire
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Law of Moses — 2 Kings 23:1-30
Upon hearing from his servants on their errand to the prophetess Huldah that the Book of the Law was genuine, and the promises God made, Josiah immediately set about conforming his kingdom to the written word. He called a meeting … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ANE, Bible History, idolatry, Kings of Judah, Law of Moses, old testament history
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