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Tag Archives: blogging
Just One
That’s all it takes. So long as just one person benefits from what I do, and I get enough feedback to know about it, I’ll keep doing this. Of course, as long as it’s this easy, I’d do it for … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged blogging, heart-led, internet, ministry, oppression, politics, propaganda, resistance, virtual parish
The Only Constant Is Change
Try to relax. Very little of the Lord’s work is done in panic. It might require vigor and creative surprises at time, but even those elements work better if you approach your divine mission with confidence and serenity. In the … Continue reading
Posted in administration
Tagged blogging, computer technology, internet, ministry, networking technology, virtual parish
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The Pastoral Burden
I’m a beast of burden, made and called by God to carry the load. Over the weekend, our subscriber roll swelled by over a dozen. I’m cynical enough to bet that WordPress simply isn’t telling me when people drop their … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged blogging, depression, internet, pastoral care, pastoral ministry, peace, psychology
This, Not That
Why do I blather about this thing, but don’t promote that great cause? I can only engage what I know, what God has called to my attention. So I pick on Western Christian churches in general terms because I am … Continue reading
Sacrificial Instinct
We have a dozen words that could serve as synonyms for “love” in various contexts, but it is a testimony to the failure of Anglo-American culture that we still abuse the word with such ambiguity. We confuse it intentionally; we … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Anglo-American culture, blogging, human intelligence, mortality, spirituality, writing
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Morals and Harassment
God said, “My ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 58). The context is a call to repent, but in the midst of this is a statement that has long carried meanings beyond the context. Rightly so, because Hebrew prophetic writing … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged blogging, internet, psychology, scripture, spirituality
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