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Tag Archives: browsers
Slimjet Censors Websites
In the past I had recommended the Slimjet browser as a good alternative to Google Chrome. It has some nifty features. However, an unexpected “feature” recently appeared: It censors some websites. I was testing how Slimjet worked under certain conditions … Continue reading
Google’s Latest Censorship Efforts
The “Health Ranger” has been known to exaggerate from time to time, but there is quite likely a basis in truth for his latest breathless warning about Google Chrome browser. I’ve been hearing just this kind of thing from technology … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged browsers, Firefox, google, Google Chrome, oppression, Vivaldi browser
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Sharpening the Sword
Can you imagine someone like me wishing we could do without the Internet? There are two issues here. One is that a computer is by far the best way to write, and to store what you write. Two is that … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged browsers, computers, evangelism, heart-led, internet, radix fidem
Cranking with Windows
I was playing with Win8 on an older system. At one point I logged into my Outlook account. Suddenly the system itself changed my login and instituted a password without telling me what it was; it was an identity I … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged browsers, computer security, computer technology, Microsoft, windows
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Browser Wars: Lost Pretense of Innocence
Nobody is surprised when Google does something sneaky and dirty. We all figured out long ago that Google is evil in the sense that they will not hesitate to lie, and will gladly sell you to the highest bidder. They … Continue reading
Bits and Pieces 28
The latest nasty tactic from websites is called session replay, wherein the website has one or more JScripts that record every keystroke and mouse movement. Granted, this has been possible for a long time; it’s the kind of data website … Continue reading
A Few Minor Technology Notes
I’m willing to test something in every way possible so you don’t have to. However, I’ll never tell you that my results are definitive for anyone but me. Feel free to discover a contradicting result on your own. But if … Continue reading
Virtual Guardians
Must we dig into the self-evident fact that corporations and marketers are greedy and generally willing to do anything to take your money? While particular individuals might own up to certain ethical barriers, you don’t get an MBA without absorbing … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged browsers, computer technology, government, internet, open source, oppression, targeted advertising
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Google World
Consumer software is a moving target and any advice I might offer is obsolete three days later. On the tail of my advice to switch from Chrome-based browsers to Mozilla-based, I now read some of the less public chatter and … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged browsers, Chromium, Firefox, Google Chrome, internet, mozilla, Opera browser, Seamonkey, software, Vivaldi browser
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Bits and Pieces 24
Two weeks ago, my desire to ride on the roads evaporated — poof! Yesterday was a little cool and I felt inclined to ride my bike at a new trails park that our city had constructed with a lot of … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged browsers, computer technology, cycling, Networked Civilization, Tor, tribulation, war
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