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Tag Archives: business
Glorious Deal-maker
When God does not grant to me a vision of future things, I simply go back to my convictions and extrapolate from there. What He tells me I must do on the smaller scale often indicates something about what’s coming … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged business, corporations, economics, future, Modern Israel, politics, Ukraine
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Joe Cooper Hyundai
This is an honest and free endorsement of a local car dealer. Over the years of my life, I’ve never had enough money to buy a new car. Thus, I ended up buying from a lot of individuals and from … Continue reading
Benevolence in Control
Comments and discussions indicate it’s time to review a couple of fundamental principles. Under the Covenant, the sole justification for engaging in business is to bless the employees first, and then the customers. Granted, this is ideally a matter of … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged business, crime, customer service, economics, government, human behavior, social sciences, social stability
Too Late, It’s Here
Technically speaking, we are already in economic collapse. We have been for some time, but it’s not always obvious when something like this starts rolling. Don’t let your imagination run away with you. As I’ve explained in the past, our … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged business, economic troubles, economics, survival, transportation
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Ransomware and Colonial Pipeline
There are too many sources I could link, so I’ll just summarize what I’ve read so far. I’m sure it’s no consolation to anyone, but I learned yesterday that the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack affected only the office computers and … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged business, compsec, computers, crime, malware, networking technology
The Chinese Grip
Here’s something interesting: China has concrete plans for taking over the Internet itself. It’s not as if this is news, but it’s a much more explicit statement than we would expect. China is not known for public honesty on much … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged business, economics, internet, networking technology, politics
Radix Fidem Curriculum: It’s Personal
3. It’s Personal We should be eager for divine justice. Even when it means our own punishment, we are eager to see justice live on this earth. We live in a fallen existence and perfection is simply impossible, but the … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, business, divine justice, employment, law, radix fidem
Covenant versus Profit
Let’s do a little biblical analysis. Take a look at how heart-led wisdom can affect how you view things, in the sense that you aren’t restricted by mere logic. An article on Zero Hedge talks about how The Sharing Economy … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged Biblical Law, business, covenant community of faith, culture, divine revelation, economics, social mythology
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Corrosion Eating the Guts
Just a heads-up so you aren’t surprised when you see it happen: Most of the Big Tech behemoths are suffering from internal corrosion. It’s likely some of you are aware of the SJW (social justice warrior) onslaught inside all of … Continue reading
Moral Good is Multi-generational 02
If you can grasp Part 1 from yesterday, then you are in a position to understand why we reject Western style free market capitalism and libertarian philosophy. Everything in the West presumes a fundamental orientation on the individual. Even when … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged business, economics, employment, extended family, heart-led, individualism
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