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Tag Archives: centos
CentOS 7: Virtual Box VM
Folks, this is how it’s done. Oracle may not be our favorite company, but this is one thing you will not want to miss: Oracle’s Virtual Box VM. It’s free. You’ll find the user manual is quite in-depth. Here are … Continue reading
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Tagged centos, linux, redhat, technology, virtual machine, windows
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CentOS 7: QEMU
Install a Windows VM on CentOS/RHEL 7 using QEMU — this is the hard way. VMware won’t build properly on CentOS 7 and all of the suggest fixes failed. The simplest answer is using the included virtual machine, QEMU. See … Continue reading
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Tagged centos, linux, redhat, technology, virtual machine, VM, windows
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CentOS 7 and 64-bit Mozilla Stuff
CentOS 7 comes with the ERS (Extended Release Support) version of Mozilla software. This is typical of the basic concept behind RHEL/CentOS and other clones, that you probably only have to install the OS once in the lifetime of the … Continue reading
CentOS 7 Desktop: Unneeded Services
If you run Windows, you can find some really great advice from Black Viper about which services you need or don’t need and under what circumstances. Scroll down and check the page links he has. For quite some years his … Continue reading
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CentOS 7: Home Networking
CentOS is a lot smarter than you might expect. It knows when it is connected to a home router. The new firewall quickly adjusts and generally does the right thing. However, it won’t automatically allow you to link to the … Continue reading
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Tagged centos, computers, firewall, linux, networking technology, technology, windows
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Desktop CentOS 7: Added Repos
This is simply my own recommendation. In order to run CentOS 7 on the desktop, most folks want stuff you can’t get from CentOS directly. For example, most of us still use websites that require Flashplayer. Adobe has set up … Continue reading
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PySolFC on CentOS 7: Tk Errors
So you either built it from SRPMs or simply got the necessary libraries and got the source. Either way, you’ve got PySolFC on your CentOS/RHEL 7 machine and it won’t work. If you try to launch it from the CLI, … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged centos, linux, Open Source software, redhat, technology, Tk interface
Mission Technology and Technology Mission
In terms of our meat space activity, the mission always comes first. Nobody said you can’t have hobbies and entertainment, but you must evaluate them as to whether they hinder the mission. No one ever really grows up to the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged centos, compsec, computer ministry, computer technology, computers, mission, moral consciousness, software development, technology
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Computer Ministry Notes Mid-June 2104
It’s been a quiet few days. I spent the time upgrading my laptop to stronger network diagnostic and recovery tools, starting with installing CentOS 7. It’s currently all 64-bit, with none of the typical 32-bit support for now. This is … Continue reading
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CentOS 7 Install Notes
Go here and choose your mirror, then your ISO. The KDE-Live and GNOME-Live don’t install, just run from DVD to get a preview. The other Live-CD is GNOME but a lot of larger packages removed so it fits on a … Continue reading
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