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Tag Archives: centos
Linux Migration for the Home PC User, Part 3
Part 1 and Part 2 At this point, if you have experienced help on hand, or you are willing to study the issues for yourself, you really don’t need any more help from me. What follows are simply my personal … Continue reading
Linux Migration for the Home PC User, Part 2
You can view Part 1 here. For most people, “easy” in computers means “familiar.” When I tell them and show them Linux is different — unfamiliar — that’s usually the end of the discussion. If the price of change is … Continue reading
Linux Migration for the Home PC User, Part 1
Intended audience: (1) Those folks who use PCs, but don’t particularly love them. It’s just a basic convenience, on a par with telephones, washer & dryer, refrigerator, etc. This is easily the majority of Americans who own a PC, and … Continue reading
XP: Just Checking
When I gave my wife the big server machine, we set her old one aside as a guest machine. It also collects the stuff I do which simply requires something Win-DOS. It’s at least twice the machine as this laptop, … Continue reading
CentOS 5.3: This Works
All I can say is “WOW!” No, not the fan-boy stuff; it has to work the way I work. I can be quite merciless about discarding the most expensive, the best supported and wildest hyped, and I really could care … Continue reading
CentOS 5.3
Finally, CentOS 5.3 has been released. I’m getting a DVD ISO myself. Much as I love Debian Etch, there are some things broken which won’t be fixed anytime soon. Further, Etch will die in less than a year, whereas CentOS … Continue reading
Mozilla Craziness
The generic Seamonkey 64-bit download from Mozilla.org runs the new beta 64-bit Flashplayer from Adobe on CentOS. So here we are, CentOS 5.2 for x86_64. I installed the latest beta release of Flashplayer for 64-bit Linux. By “install” I mean … Continue reading
No Paradise
I don’t balk at eating crow. When you don’t take yourself too seriously, you can laugh with those who laugh at you. No sooner do I announce I’ve decided to go with openSUSE 11.0, as less broken than 11.1, and … Continue reading
Tinkering: Mail Servers on the Desktop
In my early experience with Linux, I learned The Way for email was to run an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) in the background, a fetching service, and did email from the commandline. My preferred setup was Postfix, Fetchmail and Pine. … Continue reading
CentOS: KDE Upgrade the Hard Way
There is one feature of CentOS I dislike very much: the tendency to drag in a lot of 32-bit packages as unnecessary dependencies on a 64-bit system. I found the bundled version of KDE 3.5.4 one of the more badly … Continue reading