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Tag Archives: church politics
Meta-religion and the Reformation
We bother studying history and other social sciences so we can more intelligently recognize how we got where we are today, and contrast that against where God said we should be. We are then in a better position to plot … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged Christian religion, church history, church politics, government, history, middle class, middle class culture, spirituality, The Reformation, theology
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The Faith of Loners
They told me, “There are no Lone Rangers in the faith.” Aside from a couple of truly fine leaders, the majority of those with whom I’ve worked in churches would reflexively deny that a Christian can be a faithful, spirit-filled … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged church politics, evangelism, Lone Rangers, mysticism, oppression, peace, psychology, religion, spirituality
Do You Suppose…?
Let’s pretend for must a moment that I’m not some kind of madman or gibbering idiot. I will admit I’m passing through some inner turmoil. The flesh is never ready to serve and mind recoils at things it has never … Continue reading
Threat Assessment 3
The existence and effects of networked communication requires us to use that medium. It remains our primary tool of communication, even when the people on the other end are geographically close. This is how people do things in our world … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged church politics, internet, Modern Israel, networked communication, Political activism, propaganda, religion, resistance
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