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Tag Archives: community
Divine Order and Chaos
Have you been watching it? Humans are inherently nomadic, though our fallen nature prefers a sedentary existence. As population has grown over the centuries in habitable areas, our fundamental design is causing trouble. Western Civilization has done some useful things, … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged civilization, community, heart-mind, moral discernment, mysticism, social conditioning, spirituality, The Cult, tribal society, western civilization
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Parish Update: Late November 2014
For those of you praying with us about our needs, the “new” car is working fine. With the amount of donated funds left after making the purchase, the first thing we did is buy brake pads for all wheels and … Continue reading
Alien Gateway
Dr. King had almost forgotten her meal, but took another bite while she considered things. Then, “A lot of people are disappointed with mainstream religion these days. Tell me how you came this epiphany, if I can call it that.” … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged clinical depression, community, internet, mysticism, psychology, survival
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Mission and Friendships
Natural to our humanity is an appetite for warmth connected with a sense of identity. Something in us knows without any possible explanation that we must belong to something. If we do not, then a major element in our sense … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged communion, community, friendship, human nature, mission, mysticism, peace, psychology, social mythology, spirituality
Signs of Life
Life sucks on this plane of existence. It’s not as if you can’t find glimmers of grace and mercy, but this world is damaged goods and will not be redeemed. English translations of Scripture routinely confuse things by the ambiguity … Continue reading
Linux, Security and Control
Running Linux doesn’t merely put you in charge of things; it grants a sense of power you won’t easily get from Windows or Mac. But it’s really about the people involved. The primary reason Linux computers seldom get viruses is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged community, computers, culture, education, linux, technology, windows
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A Few Management Errors
I’ve watched managers and leaders screw up their own position so badly that they destroyed the operation itself. This is not guidance you’ll get from a secular or Christian leadership seminar. This is guidance that comes from the Ancient Hebrew … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged community, divine justice, leadership, psychology, social sciences
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Yes! Means “NO”
Update: Corporate management contacted me and was concerned enough to explain stuff that had not been too well explained locally. So maybe the local manager will be alerted to the discomfort we have here and try to work out the … Continue reading
I’m a true radical, radical about the very most fundamental elements of our assumptions about reality. This blog assumes a huge difference between Western/Aristotelian epistemology and that of the Bible. I am wholly untroubled by apparent differences between human science, … Continue reading