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Tag Archives: compsec
Online or Offline
Wake up, blog! I’m torn between the desire for operational security (OpSec) on one hand, and on the other hand, the commission from God to teach what I know. I use a VPN on my computers. I discovered some time … Continue reading
Posted in teaching, tribulation
Tagged compsec, computers, divine election, information war, linux, oppression, OPSEC, tribulation
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Ransomware and Colonial Pipeline
There are too many sources I could link, so I’ll just summarize what I’ve read so far. I’m sure it’s no consolation to anyone, but I learned yesterday that the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack affected only the office computers and … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged business, compsec, computers, crime, malware, networking technology
The Intel CPU Flaw Simplified
Maybe you’ve heard about this: Major Flaw in Millions of Intel Chips Revealed. Most of the reports assume too much about what you already know, or obfuscate things and miss the point. Bottom line: This flaw allows naughty software to … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computer technology, computers
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How Faith Works
Your commitment to Christ is the starting point for everything. As with the rest of Creation, the human body has a rhythm and cycles of its own. Anyone with a good body consciousness can tell it, but it shows up … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged compsec, divine calling, faith, mission, physical fitness, prayer, Xubuntu
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Update on Windows Snooping
If you happen to be interested in the subject, I ran across something fresh: NSA Collects MS Windows Error Information. The article discusses how the NSA is harvesting any bug report or telemetry sent from your Windows computer back to … Continue reading
Cyber Siege
While I await the coming mission adventure somewhere ahead of me on the road, I still have plenty to do in the meantime. I have a gospel message, the eternal core of all missions. It includes warning people of sin, … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged compsec, Dispensationalism, Holocaust, politics, Zionism
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Politics and Malware Attacks
As I expected, it turns out the DNC operatives did attempt to use malware attacks on their political opponents during the election. In this case it was a limited attack on some of the folks at 4chan and 8chan. That’s … Continue reading
Follow-up to Paranoia
Ref: Previous blog post — Paranoia? Testing by real experts reveals that Windows 10 ignores privacy settings. To be specific, someone who actually understands this stuff tested Windows 10 Enterprise, the one you are supposed to be able to actually … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged compsec, linux, tech support, windows
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Linux versus WannaCrypt
You don’t have to read this, but I do have to write it. Some of you, dear Readers, are sympathetic to my ranting about the virtues of switching from Windows to Linux. The recent big wave of ransom-ware commonly known … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged compsec, computer technology, linux, open source, OS, politics, windows
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