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Tag Archives: compsec
I wish I could say it made me smoother, but it seems more like rubbing me raw. We solved our washer problem, settling for a smaller and older used model that is far better designed than the one that died … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged compsec, government, miscellaneous, oppression, propaganda, survival
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Most of you will recognize the term malvertising. It’s a technique for infecting computers with malware by using the advertising feeds found on most websites. Similar with the way TV in the US is funded by advertising, this blog is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged advertising, compsec, computers, FB, google, Opera browser, software, windows
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Realistic CompSec
As always, the mission of the Christian Mystic is not changing the world, but changing the self. It’s the same principle with things you own or use, including your computer. Most of the work I do in my computer tech … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged compsec, computer tech support, government, mysticism, NSA, oppression, psychology
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Virtual Morals
If you can understand the virtual world, then quantum moral reasoning is not such a big leap. Most people do not recognize the huge difference between meat space and online. They keep trying to apply their meat-space expectations to the … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged compsec, internet, military, moral perception, resistance, survival, virtual world
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Rat-Killing Passwords
It’s rat-killing day around my place. It means raking debris from the yard so I could make the first lawn cutting with my reel mower, burying that electric line between the house and the shed so the freaking punks will … Continue reading
Quantum Privacy
If you render it into a digital format, it’s public domain. When the only thing protecting you is government policy, you have no protection at all. The mere existence of any entity’s access means it will be used and abused. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged business, compsec, computers, crime, government, internet, resistance, windows
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Quantum Resistance
The Enemy wants control. He gets it by suckering us through our vices. Rarely does anyone have to worry about an attack unless they are already inside the Enemy’s camp. What we have to do is resist our weaknesses and … Continue reading
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Tagged compsec, computers, internet, linux, mac, NSA, resistance, software, windows
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VMs: Best of Both Worlds
I admit it: I really get more work done on Windows 7, so that’s what I run on my primary machines. The integration with the hardware simply cannot be matched in Linux and it’s almost boring how things keep working … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computers, Debian Wheezy, linux, technology, VMWare Player, windows
Tool Shed 6
Despite my years of tinkering with Linux, I find the printing framework (CUPS) still lags what you can get on Windows or Mac. Most people might never notice the difference, but when I need something out of the ordinary, I … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged browsers, compsec, computers, CUPS, linux, technology, windows, writing
Reminiscing on Linux
I’ve been reading Unix in a Nutshell. I can’t remember where I got it, but it was probably at Half Price Books. That “nutshell” business is a joke; the book in paperback is nearly 2 inches thick. This makes my … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computers, internet, linux, Linux distros, Red Hat, redhat, technology
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