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Tag Archives: computer
The Parable of Malware
Western Civilization is malware. It is so complex and pervasive that most people mistake it for the operating system for human life on this planet. However, it is a huge mask over the real OS and it hands control of … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged computer, evangelism, mission, moral consciousness, parable, psychology, religion, spirituality
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Win8 Start Button Follies
First, take a look at this little gem. Back when MS user interface (UI) designers actually studied how humans used computers, they came up with the classic Windows desktop interface. It worked so well, other OSes copied it. That’s because … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged computer, computers, desktop interface, resistance, sanity, software, technology, windows
Fork in the Path of Ministry
God said I had the choice, but I’d be a fool for saying “no.” Warning to regular readers: There will be an increase in the number of posts regarding computer ministry issues. The reason is I sense a shift in … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computer, computer ministry, computers, software, technology, windows
Of Images and Angels 11
Preston set a blistering pace but Angie managed to keep. At one point it seemed he was unsure of the route, because he turned toward the west again. At the next trail junction he stopped, yanked the camera out of … Continue reading