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Tag Archives: covenant
Context and Separation
No other human has the authority to decide for you what is the will of God. People do have the authority to exclude you from things He has placed in their hands, by whatever means necessary. The only question, then, … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covenant, epistemology, heart-mind, philosophy, scripture, social stability, western civilization
HOWTO: Forgiveness
I suppose for some folks it’s just not obvious enough. We are all born in sin. If you try to reason about culpability, you’ll never understand. Rather, you start from the understanding that your human nature is broken — for … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged adultery, covenant, divine justice, divine mercy, forgiveness, heart-mind, human nature, Jesus Christ, law, legalism, mysticism, Pharisaical Hellenism, revelation, social stability, spirituality
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Psalm 64
This is very much a royal psalm, in the sense that it reflects the experience of someone in a high position of power. At the same time, people of lower social standing would recognize parts of this prayer of complaint … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged conspiracies, covenant, faith in God, heart, heart-mind, King David, Psalms
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God’s Bow in the Clouds
“I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged computers, covenant, disasters, human suffering, Noah's Covenant, prayer, spirituality, technology, weather