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Tag Archives: crucifixion
Teachings of Jesus — John 13:31-38
There is no big secret, no magical insights from this passage. It’s quite likely that you have read or heard a ton of stuff about it. The main point here is the focus John picks up in his reporting of … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged crucifixion, Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, messianic expectations, mortality, Two Realms
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Teachings of Christ — John 12:20-36
Prior to the coming of Christ, the path of redemption back to Eden was quite demanding. Even for Israel, it was pretty tough. It usually meant studying the Covenant of Moses and seeking God’s face until the light dawned inside … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged biblical languages, crucifixion, John's Gospel, otherworldly, parables
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Soul Seeds: Tough Enough
Recall for a moment all those nifty little evangelism aids you’ve seen: the little tracts, bumper stickers, videos, comic books, etc. Consider how it seemed to make committing oneself to following Jesus so very simple — how could the non-Christians … Continue reading