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Tag Archives: dependence
Leaving Yourself Open to Manipulation
The guidance of Scripture is not that hard to fathom. The real question is whether you believe strongly enough to obey it. I’ve said it often enough: The issue is not success in the real world. The issue is making … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged decentralization, dependence, gatekeepers, health, peace with god, politics, survival
Getting Closer
I found a very perceptive piece from David McGrogan on how the current globalist juggernaut is rooted in dependence. He refers to Machiavelli’s book The Prince as the first solid glimpse into the very nature of the secular state, something … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged biblical manhood, dependence, feudalism, game, globalism, independence, secular state
Communion = Dependence
We are designed for communion. While the priority is on communion with our Creator, it seems rather necessary that we are able to commune with our own inner selves first. However, at some point you quickly run into the necessity … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged communion, dependence, divine justice, government, medicine, mysticism, oppression, revelation, spirituality, western bias, western civilization
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