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Tag Archives: heart-led
The Law of Moses — Joshua 5
The passage is short, but it requires a lot of context. Keep in mind that the Conquest of Canaan Land was not a standard military invasion. It was purely a religious war aimed at destroying the major pagan temples in … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged covenant of abraham, heart-led, Law of Moses, old testament history, Passover, ritual observances
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Pondering the Path 04
At this point, the Radix Fidem path clearly alienates the vast majority of Westerners with any inclinations to Christian religion. What we offer is a path back to Eden; that’s what the gospel is now, and has always been since … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, heart-led, idolatry, pagan religion, radix fidem, sensory heart, spiritual birth, western christianity
Pondering the Path 03
Scripture promotes one particular image of Christians, still in their fallen fleshly form, as children in the household of God. As any good father, He encourages us to hang around Him when He works. We can scarcely understand much of … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged faith, heart-led, Hebrew epistemology, human reason, redemption, rituals, scripture, sensory heart
Pondering the Path 01
On one level, it’s enough that I follow my convictions. That is the bottom line; it’s the fallback position I take when nothing makes sense in the world around me. Walk in the light you have. On another level, the … Continue reading
A Parable about Rationalism
Reason is a tool, a way of approaching things. Most jobs require more than one tool. Rationalism is restricting yourself to just one tool. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If all you have … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged heart-led, human intellect, human reason, parable, rationalism, spirit realm
Praying for Their Enlightenment
Participating in an ongoing discussion over at Sigma Frame, I notice that most of the correspondents quickly get stuck on concrete details. Some will occasionally make note of generalities, but there is still a tendency to stop at that level … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ANE, faith, heart-led, human reason, intellect, marriage, moral consciousness, parable
Law of Moses — Deuteronomy 29
Many religions refer to the goal of reaching an enlightened state. This was a common element in the various religions of the Ancient Near East (ANE), as well. The broad culture of the ANE presumed that the ultimate good for … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Biblical Mysticism, covenant god, curses and blessings, heart-led, Law of Moses
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The Mortality Filter
The hardest thing you’ll ever do is rewrite all the mental programming that demands you try to save this life and this world. Try to process: This world is damned and God will not permit it be saved. He wants … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Creator, divine revelation, heart-led, mortality, peace with god, religion, shalom, spiritual birth
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Law of Moses — Deuteronomy 6
How would you maintain a feudal commitment to a Lord you never saw? In the previous chapter, Moses reminded the people that it was their own decision to avoid getting too close to God. They begged Moses to go and … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged feudal obligations, heart-led, Law of Moses
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Your Own Word from God
A couple of weeks ago, Jack at Sigma Frame wrote this about prophecy: What is not commonly understood is that if a prophetic message says something about the future, then it is because God wishes to outline a judgment on … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged convictions, disasters, divine calling, heart-led, mission, propaganda, prophecy