Tag Archives: Hebrews

NT Doctrine — Hebrews 6

This chapter is one of those Bible passages that suffers a lot from translation in English. It was bad enough translating Hebrew thoughts into Greek. It’s easy to miss what the writer is telling the Hebrew Christians in Rome. The … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 5

The Covenant of Moses was not the root of divine revelation. It was a distinctly temporary arrangement, solely for the Nation of Israel during a specific period of time until things were ripe for the ultimate revelation in Christ. Thus, … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 4

Israel as a nation did not enter into God’s rest (in Hebrew related to the word “Sabbath”). Never mind the Talmudic perversion, the Law of Moses itself could not grant that divine rest; it could only point out that such … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 3

I’ll share here my previous commentary on this chapter. The Exodus was the very foundation, the defining event of Israel. If the Exodus was a myth, so was Israel as a nation. While they pointed with some smugness to their … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 2

Angels proper have always been spirit beings who served God as warriors and messengers. When they spoke, it was with divine authority, as if it were the voice of God Himself. Without fail, violating His Word brought His wrath, including … Continue reading

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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 1

This treatise was written by an Alexandrian rabbi thoroughly acquainted with Second Temple literature, and perhaps that of the Qumran Community. We are assuming he wrote to Hebrew Christians in Rome who were suffering under persecution and tempted to slip … Continue reading

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