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Tag Archives: humor
Fiction: Tearing a Hole
She glanced out the window again at her neighbor. He had been in the backyard since sunrise, working on something that looked like a front-loading washing machine sitting on a low sturdy table. There are odd bits and pieces attached … Continue reading
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Tagged fiction, humor, science, time and space
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Friday Extra: Laugh and Pray
A little humor to make the prayer request more memorable. Our car still needs expert help from someone who understands automotive wiring and electronics. Near as we can tell, it’s some kind of electrical short. We did replace bad parts … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged humor, oppression, prayer request, transportation
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Meandering Mind
Nothing profound or even much entertaining today; I’m just trying to be consistent in writing. My family returned to Oklahoma from Texas just in front of Hurricane Rita, September 2005. Less than a year later I was still trying to … Continue reading
Birthday Post for 2013
Today is number 57. I mentioned some time ago that God had required me to take fitness more seriously, for reasons I still don’t know. When it becomes important enough to post something like that, it becomes an accountable item. … Continue reading
Passages 5
I write because the sewer system can’t handle all of my crap. Somehow, I stumbled on the idea people might be entertained by some of it. That was because during a few times when I was required to write, it … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged humor, literature, mysticism, psychology, writing
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Of Truth and Angels 10
Grabbing their bags, they made sure to check that everything was as they had found it. Returning the key to the tiny enveloped, they hung it on the door handle, closed the lock on the hasp and strode off into … Continue reading
Virtual Party
Let’s talk politics! No, let’s laugh at politics. That will be an official plank in our virtual political party. First item: Western Civilization is dead. It’s not just the American system of government that’s fundamentally evil, but the Enlightenment philosophy … Continue reading
Recovery of Rez 6
His friends called him “Rez.” It was an abbreviation for his full name: Restas Eran Ziskel. The nickname didn’t make much difference until he went off to boarding school. He could have stayed on Randell Colony, but the education lab … Continue reading
I’m thankful for having rediscovered what it means to be a man. (Please turn on your subtle sarcasm detector; use the setting which recognizes the element of sarcasm as but one thread in the broader discussion.) Granted, the Lord had … Continue reading
YANR: Yet Another New Religion
It is, but then it isn’t. I don’t take myself seriously enough to suggest this is the original thing, the most ancient, etc. There’s no way to prove that, anyway. I do claim it inherits a lot from ancient times, … Continue reading