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Tag Archives: jewish christians
NT Doctrine — Acts 6:9-15
Once again, I am unable to improve on my previous commentary on this passage. All of these new elders preached, but unlike the Apostles, they had the natural tendency to preach outside the old Hebrew communities. It’s hard to explain … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged commentary on acts, eldercraft, jewish christians, racism, Sanhedrin, Talmud
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Peter's Mysticism
Peter was executed in Rome roughly 67 AD. His letter to the Jewish Christians in modern Turkey was at least a couple of years before that, so far as we can tell. Peter was in Rome working with John Mark; … Continue reading
NT Doctrine — Romans 13
In this letter, Paul keeps hammering on problems Jews have with faith in their Messiah. To be honest, the previous chapter was aimed more at Jews and their peculiar challenges than it was to Gentile believers. It’s the same with … Continue reading →